Friday, March 06, 2015

Bibik baru

...mcm Bibik lama juga. Suka bergosip!

She was telling me about the high drama of the other neighbour (also renting out).When they first moved in waktu musim raya korban, I played the nice neighbour...mengageh-agehkan apa yang ada.After a while, tengok pelik je..I kept away and to myself.Bising, hisap rokok, men (there is another family sharing)...rumput panjang, taik kucing bersepah2 takda hati nak cuci, kereta letak sampai kita tak leh masuk yada yada.

There's a young man always mengendong anak kecilnya as he drives to work.We never like this kind of behaviour..letak baby atas lap sambil drive.So any wonder that I am not friendly at all? Nik boleh juga senyum2 when the guy angguk2 kat dia.I can't even look up.May Allah forgive me.I feel so guilty after Bibik baru told me of the high drama sekitar noon.The other house sharer (mungkin dia has the say and paying more) telah menghalau pasangan muda ini.Dia campak2 pakaian, tilam ke hapa and menjerit2 halau.The younger man nangis sambil kutip kain baju dia dan pujuk wife also crying..the baby pun crying! If I knew they were this desperate, I would have been kinder! Bibik said she cried witnessing the drama.

Bibik cakap the gal always pulang lewat, wearing scanty clothes.I know one day I was so pissed off she brought male friends and hisap rokok dan buat bising.I felt mcm nak gila fed-up.My home is where I want some peace.Kalau nak duduk mcm tepi jalan like this, I would have thought twice buying a place with this kind of neighbours. And they are just renting! Sometimes we must respectlah orang kiri kanan, kan?

Lucky I return home hari dah malam.Most of the time, orang balik tidur je.

1 comment:

Faridah said...

Gosh..finally they have all moved out. Kesiannya.No need to quarrel, right? So now rumah sebelah kembali kosong.