Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I am nerbes about my UNESCO talk (idak le kat Geneva or NYC..kat Gombak je).Mana tak..I'm going to raise the issues of honour killing and child marriage.Kita tak tau sapa ada kat dlm crowd pelbagai bangsa tu.Bdk yang jemput I tu pun from Quran and Sunnah dari negara yag suka bakar2 bendera Amerika bila depa marah.Haha.But bdk ni baik so maybe dia yang akan keluarkan ayat2 Quran to support me nanti.

But I'll be wearing my bullet proof vest.Mudah2an ramailah lelaki yang datang cos' mereka yang perlu ditarbiyahkan. Kah. This is in conjunction with International Women's Day.

Did a series of meetings today with Daya Bersih and Dev.Nasib Alias yang jaga Dev.We had worked together before so it should be easy again.

Almost covered all except my conference paper and the books.Haiyo..no time to sit.Meetings sepuluh kali sekejap in a day.Besok must do it.

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