Monday, March 09, 2015

The conference

I suspect it was Dato Ma who gave my name for inclusion for the New World Order conference at PICC.I bumped into him (well he came to give me the assigned topic for our research).I'm glad I went cos' it was truly an enlightening session (one day only).I managed to buy some important books on criminalising war, books on terrorism, books on or by Tun (who officiated the event which was organised by his Peace Foundation actually). Going through the caricature book on him buat kita terkesan with his early struggle to help org miskin although someone said usah percaya ngat that master of manipulation.haha.But I berbaik sangka on this one.I like stories of his early struggles esp zaman Jepun.When he berenti sekolah Jepun cos' he could not handle it, he tried looking for a job from a Chinese rubber tapper but in those days, Chinese didn't want to employ Malays.So he started his own kedai kopi with his friends but got kicked out by the Japs.He went on to berniaga at the market and his business flourished.A relative wanted to buy the business from him so he sold it to him.Then he started gerai jual buah.At this point, I was in awe of Tun sbb panjang akal.

Anyway, go find this book by E.Yu.You'll learn a few more things you never know of Tun M.As he was passing by nak balik,I managed to grab him to sign the book for me.I pun nak tunjuk ke cucu I had him signed the book.He giggled a bit and said kindly sama-sama when I thanked him.Takda pula cerita dia gaduh dgn AI in the book. ;)

 I got special seat

 Kalau pasal conspiracy theory, Tun nombor 1

Wan Zaleha was the mc

I also managed to speak with three of the panelists but I was most impressed with the Japanese editor.Lelaki Jepun susah nak nangis, kan? He did in recollecting his memories of Burmese monks killing Muslims ke hapa.We spoke a bit about forensic journalism (he was trained as a chemist but later on went into journalism).Kata's when we've lost our ethics, values that we'd start killing each other and humanity.

I will sambung later.Too many interesting characters but it's been a long day.

Semalaman I dok meng-goggle Yoichi.Seperti kebanyakan sepai, tidak akan ada apa-apa info tentangnya.Sekolah kat mana.Uni mana.Keluarga berapa orang etc etc.Rasanya sah dia ni sepai tapi tak tau sepai China atau sepai USA.Haha.Satu online comment kata dia ni Illuminati approved.I told Nik I think I dah jumpa ramai sepai only I do not know they are sepai.Perasan memang seronok! Tapi cer you google pasal dia.Dia sangat pandai dan akan berada di mana-mana.Sepai ni depa pilih dari kalangan journalists, cultural atttaches, artists and leftist academics,VC university, IT programmers, activists dan NGOs/human rightists.Must be an exciting life, kan? Tapi Nik ckp bila dah takda guna, akan dibunuh begitu sahaja.


Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...


Dah dapat space untuk hospital clowning workshop for free di Aswara. Wrote to Prof. Hatta Azad Khan. Funny though, when the officer in charge said, "Oooo...guna cable budak STAR ya!" Hahaha! Rupa-rupanya the officer is a SDARian.

Someone is also offering a place in Melawati. Alhamdulillah.

Thank you very much for your help. Really appreciate it.

Faridah said...

Dr Bubbles: I tak tolong apapun. Glad you found a place.ASWARA should introduce a subject in clowning and get you to teach it.I was at a private uni today..they have a degree prog in fashion and design (nmpk mcm ada kelas menjahit tadi).Terlior nak join!