Friday, March 13, 2015

Tuala Biru

Sometimes after each prayer as I pray for my loved ones who have passed on, my heart skips a little for Irsyad, my nephew who died of cancer last year.I teringat masa dia sakit, he was always using this tuala lusuh. One day I bought him a set of deep blue towels cos' I knew he used them a lot.Esp. towards the end (masa tu no one knew it would be hari-hari terakhir).

I bought him buku doa to toughen him up and a set of blue towels and jokingly I told him: guna ya..jgn guna yang buruk tu lagi..malu kat orang.Like always he would just grin.Even in his pain.
Then his eldest sister later told me after his death, adik dia Irsyad would always use tuala biru itu and the old ones dah tak nampak.Sehingga hari ni, when I think of this, tersangatlah hiba hati saya.Irsyad was a good son.Kata Bibik lama, dialah yang rajin tolong Sal kemas2 rumah since they didn't have a maid. He would do it tanpa disuruh and without making face.He would always do what anyone told him (esp aunties).Begitu baik and mulia anak muda ini.Patutlah Allah panggil dia pulang dahulu. This dunia is not his match.

Al fatihah Irsyad.We will always miss you.

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