Friday, June 19, 2015

Buka puasa at Pusat Aktiviti Kanak-kanak

A few of us decided to berbuka puasa at the Pusat Aktiviti Kanak-kanak.Dr Latif led the prayer for the boys and for lack of a female imam, I had to do it for the young girls.Makmum budak kecil, a few je yang dah akil baligh.Dr. Amani and Mai came and helped out also.Kami bergilir-gilir bagi tazkirah/motivation talk.Bdk2 cerdik.One autistic boy about 9 years old tanya Dr Latif kalau kita tak solat, sahkah puasa kita.We all went wohhhh.Dr. Latif (English-speaking ustaz who is also a Psychologist and a fiqh-ist) said solat tu ibarat tiang, puasa tu dinding.Mana nak bersandar kalau takda tiang (ustaz punnn...bercakap dgn budak 9 tahun..tinggi benor falsafahnya).. but! bdk yg bertanya menjawab from belakang Dr Amani (malu la konon but he's so bright) "Tidur je kat longkang!" (Tak kelain selalu nmpk homeless people in the neighbourhood selalu tidur kat longkang tu). We were so amazed by the conversation.So humbled as well.But cerita belum selesai: ustaz jawab ha kalau mcm tu, puasa pun ke longkang.Haha..we all laughed termasuk budak yang bertanya.So bonding.Gitu.

Nik pun came along and we ate with a group of young boys (sekitar darjah dua).Cute giler.So manis.Rasa mcm nak bawak balik.

As Dr.Amani spoke of her aerospace work, she was saying kita jgn gagal bla bla.A kid later on asked Mai apa makna gagal.We analysed that question then we concluded that hanya affluent families or those exposed to successful people would stress on jgn gagal...whn you are trying to survive from day to day, that vocab does not exist.

A lot to learn from and a joy to share your Ramadan with these kids.Air yg kami minum pun terasa tersangat sedap.Dan kari ayam dia..out of this world lazatnya...walhal kalau kat rumah, kari berbuang! Berkat Ramadan yang suci.

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