Friday, June 05, 2015

Two steps

So we finally had our dinner at The Gardens last night (my friend from IDB and my colleague from RMC). Mcm biasa, mcm2 nak buat tetapi tak tau apa je yang jadi sudahnya.Hopefully like my other projects, one would have a life of its own and would want to happen. Here's hoping.

The second step was me heading an investigative team. I cannot disclose what and where but I only have this to say: it is not easy to teach today.There are so many laws (both local and international) which will ensure kids are well-protected.My colleagues started relating how they grew up.Ada yang kena rotan dgn Atuk kalau nakal and tak beradab.Ada yang dipaksa buang sampah oleh ayah dlm malam buta (tempat pembuangan sampah was across a river) ..ada yang kena pulas telinga sampai berrdarah sebab salah sebut hurup Quran oleh ustaz dia.When nangis and asked by her parent, she said ustaz pulas telinga.Mak-pak dia kata jom kita pi jumpa ustaz tu balik.Bila ustaz ditanya apa pasal pulas telinga sampai berdarah, ustaz kata sebab tak reti sebut ayat Quran dgn betul.Kata mak-pak, apa pasal pulas sebelah je..pulas la sebelah lagi (dan ini bkn sarcastic).


But my team kena juga lah ikut rentak zaman.We will ensure our teachers takkan sentuh atau memulas anak orang biar macamanapun.

Not easy teaching these days.

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