Thursday, June 25, 2015

Iftar at Langgak Golf

Alhamdulillah I found a shorter route to Langgak Golf from IIUM.I was already late.Didn't want to miss the pre-iftar talk by guest speaker Prof Samina Yasmeen from Perth on Islam and Muslims in Australia.She's the Director of Centre for Muslim States and Societies at Uni of Western Australia.

I enjoyed the talk.Liked wht she said about how democracy could not always be the ideal solution at all times.Mcm July 4 list, tetamu yg dijemput pun ramai haluan kiri.Sebenarnya mungkin hampir satu negara berhaluan kiri. :D but spotted were also Tan Sri Hamid Albar, Tun Haniff Omar and young leaders of Air Asia (the CEO of Air Asia Berhad), Marina Mahathir, that DAP girl Dyana, Dr Musa Farouk, wakil Sisters in Islam, academics and VCs (or former VC). I tak pi pun berborak dgn dia orang sbb sibuk dgn gang lama (we would be among the regulars..table pun sama!) and seated next to me was Bar Council Prez, Steve Thiru.Entahlah..dia ckp 1MDB ni a private company and not really encroaching on public interest.Ternganga I dengar.I may have interpreted wrongly wht he said.I kata apa kejadah - depa dok ambik public fundings..he said no proof.Apa ke jadah! (nmpklah kita betapa licik segala kerja2 merompak ni yek sampai tak leh nail perompak).But he did say they are monitoring.But he's nice to offer me assistance with my penjara project.

My real joy was bumping into two young men as I walked to my car.The two young men pun nak balik.Our cars parked sebelah menyebelah so dalam gelap tu sempat berbual2. Sorang Naib Prez Pemuda ABIM dan seorang tu event management owner (offices dia di Canada, US, UK and Msia).Google punya google..anak aruah Razali Ismail, Timb Menteri Pendidikan. Baik sgt orangnya (both of them).Di tepi jalan dlm gelap tu kita bercerita ttg anak2 muda Msia.Mudah2an ada peluang bekerjasama dlm projek belia Islam.Saya percaya setiap pertemuan itu aturan Tuhan.

Sorry folks...takda tazkirah mlm ni.


Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...

I am quite happy having my Iftar at home. But Yati pula dah bosan. So hari ini kami keluar to have iftar at Beriani Ipoh, just 5 minute drive from home. Malas nak pergi jauh-jauh. Balik nanti nak tolong dia buat order steamed fruit cakes. Berpuluh-puluh biji orang order. Terkehel tangan nak mengacau the cake-mix. Hari ini dah tutup order until Raya.

Faridah said...

Dr Bubbles: ala..I baru nak mengorder steamed fruit cake Yati.Lepas Raya dia buat lagi tak? Nanti you and Yati dtg beraya ke rumah kami ya? (August)

Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...

Insya Allah, lepas Raya dia sambung balik. Insya Allah, kami datang.