Sunday, July 29, 2012

Not tonight

Sorry folks, no kulliyyah ramadan tonight cos' I had to leave early..tengah syok jotting down ustaz's ceramah on memuliakan Al Quran esp. in Ramadan since Quran turun bulan ini,I was called to go home by Menteri Dalam Negeri.But intipatinya kita kena baca dan practise-kan apa dlm Quran agar berkat hidup kita.Makna berkat ialah kebaikan kita bertambah dan kita semakin bertaqwa cos' yang masuk syurga itu hanya org bertaqwa.Manusia bertaqwa adalah manusia yang paling baik di sisi Allah.

Pokoknya sidang hadirin yg dirahmati Allah (dah start daaah...haha) bagaimana kita nak jadi manusia baik di sisi Allah? ( ni nota dari ceramah separuh jalan tadi ni).Caranya ialah mempraktikkan akhlaq Rasulullah s.a.w. dan akhlaq baginda ialah akhlaq Quran.Membaca dan memahami Quran dgn betul adalah fardhu ain jadi jgn kita malas nak baca Quran sebab kita tak tau bila kita akan mati.Sabda Rasulullah..jgn kamu ingat kamu ada di pagi hari,kamu akan ada di petang nanti dan jika ada di ptg hari,jgn ingat kamu ada di malamnya.

Waktu I tengah syok jotting notes ni,Nik dtg melambai2 ajak balik cos' nak ambik Z from Hilton.Z ada berbuka puasa with McKinsey and para mentors internship prog dia (alhamdulillah she is so lucky..dapat dengar talks by captains of the industry..CEOs from everywhere and her dream came true dapat jumpa KJ! Tanya soalan panas kat KJ sampai KJ kata might as well I go home now.Haha.Lepas talk tu she told him pasal internship with KJ in which she was also shortlisted but his people tak call her back.KJ said he'd find out.Tak lama lepas tu,she got someone to speak to her but Z said now tht she's with McKinsey,and results A Level pun dah nak keluar, she does not think ada masa nak join).Apparently Z berdua je Melayu kat prog ni and the only one yang tengah tunggu A level..Yg lain tu dah kat uni or baru graduated.It should not matter..the experience should be good for her.Bdk2 Cina kawan dia kata wahhh..your English so good and you ask good questions..we got malay frens but they don't talk like you.Innocent kan budak2 ni? Of cos' there are others...cuma mrk tak jumpa cos' some of them went to Chinese school ke hapa.

Z also met the CEO of Talent Corp, Johan Merican; Tunku Abidin ( anak raja Negeri Sembilan who graduated from LSE and sgt2 vocal on many issues...a role model for our youth,really);Azran Osman-Rani of Asia-X; dan ramailah yg lain2nya.Kita dengar lah nanti cerita selanjutnya as Z works with her team on a project in rural Sabah.

I think it's wonderful that all these people from the industries are doing their bit grooming our young people not only teaching them leadership skills but stressing on the importance of giving back to the less fortunate.

We wish Z and those carefully chosen for this prog much success and that they would be better people after the experience.

1 comment:

F A L T 0 said...

So proud of Z too!