Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday with Tariq Ramadan


a bigot blogger in Vienna described him as the smiling terrorist (horrible labelling!)

After Nasi Padang lunch at Lina's, we went to listen to Tariq Ramadan's talk at ISTAC.The announcement was for 2 pm but he arrived almost an hour later.

He has aged, this man.But the fire and passion are still there when he speaks on certain issues.Much of what he believes in with regard to the arab spring or as he sees it - arab awakening,is similar to wht I think is happening too.That it didn't come outa vacuum, it would have taken time to plan, lots of financial support from here and there and that it wasn't just one group involved but many..wanting a share of control, etc.Yang funny was the first question from a rep of Perkasa...he wanted to say street demos are not Islamic and asked if there would be a spring in Msia too.Tariq kata how would he know...and said he knew the guy was hoping..haha..wrong...the guy is trying to stop it from happening..street demos not our culchah (culture).Soalan pertama selalu kelabu asap..:))

The Q&A spoke of more uprisings in, that's really interesting to know.I must read up more lah on this.


yokohama said...

Assalamualaikum Dr. Faridah,

I didn't know he was from PERKASA :-) Now I could narrow down the list of his friends. :-) First time listen to Dr. Tariq Ramadan live.

Faridah said...

My husband said he was from PERKASA cos' he said he was from Malay Council, kan? Yup...he must be referring to Mr Froggie guy (the VVIP person who 'kirim' the first question).

Some high drama there. :)

yokohama said...

hehe.. agreed. happy to know about you, coincidentally. looking forward for today's talk in iium. i'm going with my friends from UM. :-)

Faridah said...

OK, will you say Hi to me this evening? Me going with my daughter.We have all become Tariq Ramadan diehard fans. Haha.

yokohama said...


Maaf Prof. Didn't look at your blog yesterday in the evening. But I did noticed, the camera once was focused on you. :-)

Faridah said...

Yokohama: heh3... I didn't see it on the bigger screen but saw the cameraman merakam gambar.

What do you think? The second talk was a reminder of so many things,yah? But he went on and on.I love his humour and the kindness he displayed.And his smile...swoooon.

Maybe his grand dad was like him too,yah?

yokohama said...

seems you got a little crush on him, I must say. :-)

agreed, the second talk really inspired me. have better understanding in interpreting something in a new paradigm and perspective.

got to know about his grandfather, hasan al banna during usrah session, a long time ago...

Faridah said...

Yoko: crush? no..just a genuine admiration.I mean he was born and bred in Geneva, kan? Such iman!(and he can still speak Arabic..usually 2nd generation migrants dah out dah bahasanya)

Ramadan Kareem to you and yours.

yokohama said...

Terima kasih Prof. Selamat Berpuasa...