Thursday, October 04, 2012

Oh Ibu...

I was on the phone with an old friend a while ago.We went to Uni of Liverpool together.While catching up with each other's news (I rang him to ask about choc Swiss tu, Mawar.Haha.I sampai gaduh2 dgn Nik over nama choc. ni.Kalau dah takda anak macam nilah..wrapper choc pun boleh jadi isu.I told Nik let me ask my friend sebab dia yang selalu beli choc tu.Haha)

My friend ni dah lupa.Byk sgt chocs dia beli kat sedara mara and friends..mana nak ingat semua. :))  Anyway I asked if his mother was still around.He said bulan April baru ni dia meninggal.Innalillah and al fatihah.

Zac never married and he's very close to the mom.Dialah yang berulang alik, belikan mak dia apt so that mak dia selesa tinggal dekat dgn anak2 in KL. Masa mak dia pi Mekah, Zac jugalah yang temankan.Tapi yang pengsan naik kapalterbang, dia dulu!
I have always been in awe of this mother-son relationship.Berapa ramai anak2 lelaki hari ini yang sanggup jaga mak dia mcm ni.

But the story on the death of his mom pun menyedihkan.That particular weekend was the first weekend Zac could not travel down to KL to be with his Mom.And she was extra not well so Zac told the brother to take her to the hospital.He did.After lunching on her fav. meal, she said let's go home, I'm very tired.

Then she collapsed.The brother recited the syahadah to her, she closed her eyes and ..gone.

Zac switched off his ph as he worked through that busy day.Satu Penang cari dia! sampai ke Boss no 1! When finally they managed to locate him, it was petang dah.Nasib ada flight to KL.Sampai dah 10 mlm lebih.Nasib tak tanam the same day.I would have pengsan if it happened to me.

Such is life...and no matter how much we try our best to care for our parent, it would never be enough.There would be regrets.Bukan senang jaga orang tua esp. kalau dia sakit.Zac and I were exchanging notes on this.

Sedih, kan? (jadi orang tua and feeling dependent on anak2).We must see the world from their eyes.

So please be nice to your aged parents.Menyesal after they are gone may be too late.


Anonymous Devil said...

aduh.. sedih nye kene gitu.. he must have felt really devastated.. if i was his friend, i really wouldn't know what to say to console him.

btw, i thought you've shut down your blog for good because after i gave you my email before this, i still couldn't open it. lame dah tinggal ni. hehe.

Faridah said...

Xlanx: that's really odd cos' your name had been on my private list reader.Ni lepas masuk macammana nih? :) But since you gave me your email add, I added.I thought you were a sillent reader.Patut le no komen dah lama.

Yes, Bro. Zac mmg sedih.But he said every solat, dia sedekah kat mak dia dan juga sedekah2 yg lain, he niatkan nama maknya.

Mawar said...

Kak F
salam takziah yang dalam untuk Bro Zac. saya pun ada seorang kawan (Z juga) yang setia bersama ibunya. saya pula yang selalu menyakatnya untuk cari teman sebelah yang turut boleh menjaga ibunya.

Bro Zac, usah bersedih. berbakti kepada ibu bukan hanya saat hidupnya...

Faridah said...

Mawar: Betul.Saya rasa dia tau.But still, masih kehilangan.