Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Well done IIUM!

I must congratulate IIUM students and staffs for a calm re-election today.Marah betul budak2 tu sampai sapu bersih pro-students' seats.There were 3 for the opposition in the last election.With this re-run, they were determined to show who the bosses were.

Ah well, campus elections are always fun.I just do not understand why the powers that be refuse to let these kids enjoy their youth.They were in that position too.In fact they were allowed to be tear gassed and all.I remember being caught in one in KL as uni students were gassed on the streets for their street demos.Pedih woh bijik mata.

Ni nak mengundi pun nak kontrol.Apa daa.

It would be silly to raise hell again out of this latest dev.I hope no one is that desperate.I need to focus on educating the kids.Please leave us alone now.

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