Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Prayers for friends in the East Coast,USA

My prayers for all friends in the East Coast (ramai!) as they encounter Sandy and her aftermath.One of my friends is recovering from cancer...I hope he and his family are protected by Allah (Muslim converts). Haji Zaidon in Atlantic City... harap2 not affected by the banjir.May sounds fine on fb.Gotta beep friends upstate New York.Hopefully they are not affected.Situ kawasannya berbukit2 dan banyak pokok so probably, tak apa2.

Begitulah ujian Allah.Remember what one of the ustaz masa tazkirah Ramadan said? We gotta pray that angin or hujan yg dtg tidak memusnahkan kita tetapi memberi rahmat tatkala 4 malaikat turun di bulan Ramadan tu?And afdal berdoa ketika bulan Ramadan cos' Israfil ada meraikan Ramadan bersama2 kita.Wallahualam.


ubuntu_linux said...


Faridah said...

I still haven't heard from my friend in Atlantic City.Dia ni tak sihat.I hope dia tak apa2.Kali terakhir I heard from him, dia kasi zikir agar handbag I jumpa kembali.Uwaaaa...