Saturday, February 09, 2013

An evening at Casbah

All the other places were booked and we were too lazy (tired, more likely) to scout around.Charles and Yvonne were happy to dine somewhere close to their hotel.

What I didn't know was the plc tempat org lepak sementara tunggu club kat bawah tu buka.Macam2 orang kita jumpa (Melayu!).Kata Charles, I'm through with that.Wife dia pun tak minum.

Funny fb message on my response to a comment.Wei..kita ajak discuss cara baik pun terus dituduh nak bakar Bible?Terus dicap intolerant? Betullah kata K.O who cited Karen Armstrong at a session they shared: these people are not interested in answers but only to argue, even before they listen to the answer they already got something "clever" to question. 

Me: questions are welcome but personal attacks are not.

K.O said: Al-Ghazali said wajib jawab genuine inquiries but haram jawab soalan yg di buat-buat. A waste of our existence on earth.

But my newly found friends ( people who are respectful of differences, asking genuine questions and willing to listen...values I hold dear to my heart too), Yvonne and Charles are charming.Kelakar gila.Their first visit to Msia.Charles kata his negative perceptions of Islam and Muslims changed with this visit.A literature person.Very sharp.Yvonne said (after meeting Nik) now she understood why I was so situ pulak perginya...sebab I had a good husband,kata dia. :)) Macam2 depa ni.

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