Monday, February 25, 2013

The day I naik angin (er..what is new here?)

Universities in Malaysia seem to be going the wrong direction.First, we want to go big with our industrial links.Konon to prepare our students for the workforce (for me that's like turning thinking powerhouses to vocational schools).Then, they want to turn or run universities like corporations.Kiri kanan fikir nak buat duit till our real job which is to educate and nurture young people becomes no.2 or 3 or 4.

I ran a business wing for a couple of years.Money made is never enough.But this is not why I am so mad about now.I'm pissed off cos' I can't be thinking making money all the time.I'm first an educator.There are many moments in my life in which I do things to educate my students.On two occassions this week and last I was asked by two different people what my monetary returns were.To the first person (whose tone was polite) I said the project I was doing was never created to make money in the first place.Bla bla bla.

Today the same question and the gal who spoke on behalf of her boss was rude I thought.So I told her about the educator thingy again.I'm sure I came out as rude also tapi geramlah....what kinda graduates are we churning out ni? Takkan tak paham2 the profession? A uni is NOT a corporation which has to churn profits all the time.Let the SBUs and Holdings do that job.Leave the educators alone.

It's nice to discuss the matter with a colleague who had gone through the gruelling process.It helped ease my frustration over this funny take on wht uni should be.Bak kata another fren: nak buat duit, pi la jadi private uni yg mcm cendawan tu.Quality is suspect.Amboi, lagi ganas! :D

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