Monday, April 29, 2013

Family matters

My eldest sister aged 60 something got married on Sunday.We left for Raub just before Maghrib after picking up the wedding cake from Nurul's.Bentuk Masjid Raub.

We all slept at Long's place.Ijat was also celebrating his 12th bday so lots of foods and lots of noise.Syok juga playing with my cucu saudara.

Before we left, we visited Mama at the hospital.Her bp very2 low.I tak sedap hati.I told Nik we can balik malam if he needs to spend more time with her mom (who had been sleeping for days now tak bangun2 or sedar2... Doctors would soon feed her on the tube).

Sunday: the akad was at 11 am.I penyambut tetamu with Ummi (Long's eldest daughter.The other daughter,Adik is down after her surgery for bone spur...macam2 sakit now in the family).The caterer lambat sampai...about 200 guests waited restlessly for food dlm panas tu.I pun dah tak larat nak jaga water face.Haha.Halim...Long's neighbour also our relative and wali hakim..young chap who could have been a family member but my youngest sister dah ada jodoh.Halim's the one yg jaga bapa dia from A to Z tu..from paralysed sampai boleh jalan balik.He's now a school principal.Halim got panicky with us,"Kak Kiah ni tak suruh saya tolong...we have our own caterer in this area..very reliable," kata Halim.I said maybe makan pukul 1 pm, kot? Tu sbb diaorang tak sampai lagi.Halim said no...kat sini org mkn pukul 12 noon.Oh.

I met his mom...she skrg duduk memondok.She told me about it...ramai kawan, tenang, freedom to do tanpa menyusahkan anak2.When she rindu cucu2, all she has to do is call Halim.Haha, so cute.Ah tak jadi.But we are all related anyway.

Ptg tu masa tak berhenti2 berbunyi,The final one was from Kay,sobbing on the phone saying Mama nazak.We were still on the Karak highway.I tak berani ckp apa when I saw Nik cry.We should have bertolak awal from the wedding,I thought.But my own family pun jarang berkumpul.My 6 sisters were all there.Kita semua ber make up with pengantin.Nana, my nephew's wife was a part time jurusolek pengantin before the kids arrived.Apa lagi, semua menghulorkan wajah jelita kita untuk digerodam.Tak jumpa our mother..ibu pengantin sibuk berjumpa sanak saudara.Hilang in the crowd. :))

Back at the hospital, all family members were in tears.Wires, tubes everywhere on Mama.She's on life support already.Dia masih tak sedar.Then relatives started pouring in.Family friends.Mcm wedding juga...buka cerita while waiting outside the ward.This was the time I learnt that I ni sebenarnya boleh tahan famous...(tanpa rasa riak but more rasa lucu).Zahari and wife told me colleagues dia (Zahari...who works with Jabatan Metereology...we have always been in awe of Zahari.He's a Math genius.Salah satu anak Melayu yg graduated in Math dgn cemerlang in the early days of UM) asked him how he knew me.I asked say what? I do not know anyone in your field.He started mentioning a few names.You know me...mana nak ingat.He said puspanita..did I ever give them a talk.I said takda la pulak..silap orang kot? Anyway, I told them another funny story...was visiting a friend's son who was in coma at HUKM.Nurse tu tanya my friend, itu Dr. Faridah dari UIA ke? Macamana Puan kenal dia.Kah3...but seram juga ya? I have done my best to stay low profile in recent years.

Here I am before Subuh cos' Z woke me up thinking I was online.Budak tu bertuah sungguh!


Mawar said...

Kak F
seperti selalu, catatan kakak sangat mencemaskan!semoga yang terbaik buat bonda mertua kak F.

saya bercuti beberapa hari ini.

Faridah said...

Mawar: gembira mendengar berita cuti seorang teman.Harap memanfaatkan cuti itu dgn berehat sepenuhnya!