Friday, April 19, 2013

Looking for zam-zam in the dark

It must have been a long day for me.But I got lost in the dark, looking for my friend's home.Dia jual air zam-zam.Pusing punya pusing, tak jumpa.This place has changed so much.

I almost gave up but stopped to ask a group of Indon men.They were simply pointing me directions.Arghs...lost in your own country.

Never had I felt so relieved bumping into a group of Indian school boys, walking in the dark.While one boy was pointing me to the opposite direction, another said saya tau.Dekat rumah saya.I asked awak mau balik? Iya, he said.Hop in, I said ( then felt guilty saying it...if I were his mom, I would not want any stranger to say to my child, hop in).He sat at the back.The evil mind of mine did imagine this: kalau bdk ni cekik aku dari belakang, mampuih! :))

Then he showed me the street of his house but said never mind, he'd show me to my friend's place which was 3 streets lagi.I said Davindran...lain kali you jgn simply naik kereta org tak kenal, tau? You tak takut kena culik? He said takda takda.I said apa pasal you takda takut kena culik sama saya?

Then he said the most beautiful thing to me: sebab saya tengok muka awak baik punya orang.

Kah3. Terus masa I dropped him tepi jalan, I kasi dia RM10.Which would be a lot for a little boy,I'm sure.Bapa dia kerja bawak lori.Mak, housewife.Kakak kerja kat tuition centre.Tapi rumah bukan flat, OK? Maknanya berkatlah hidup mereka ini.From the child's behaviour, you know the kinda upbringing he has.I was most humbled.I hope when he grows up, he would remember our encounter.The trust.The mutual affection.Established within seconds.

It does not take much to feel God's blessings once you allow them to flow in.


Mawar said...

Kak F
catatan yang sangat mengesankan!

Faridah said...

Mawar: sungguh.Saya ceritakan peristiwa ini kpd Abg Nik.Mungkin ada hikmah mengapa saya berjumpa dgn Davindran.Apa pasal tiba2 hari ni saya sesat berulang2 kali.Rupa2nya nak tunggu Davindran turun dari bas sekolahnya.Saya harap kami berjumpa kembali.Saya beritau Nik: rasa nak ambik Davindran jadi anak angkat. :D

Mawar said...

Kak F
Allah, Allah, Allah. betapa Allah mencipta cinta!