Monday, December 03, 2012

Ma'thurat 33

"O Allah. grant me health in my body.O Allah, grant me health in my hearing.O Allah, grant me health in my seeing."

It sounds odd reading the translation in English but if it helps, this is how it is in Malay:

"Ya Allah, sejahterakanlah badanku.Ya Allah, sejahterakanlah pendengaranku.Ya Allah, sejahterakan penglihatanku."

Hearing and Seeing (Sight) are important in Islam.But you can't have them without a healthy body.How often do we take our overall health and well-being for granted? I have a colleague who feels guilty if she goes on mc.She whines, "I'm not using my brain! I'm not using my brain!" And I tell her this: your brain has taken control of you, not vice versa.Take charge!

What good is a rich nation if its people are weak and dying early? Worse, what good is a poor nation if its people are also perishing early.I hope organisations are taking care of their workers' work-life balance.I know some MNCs would shoo off staff when it's 5 pm..go home and spend time with your family.

Have a good week ahead you, folks.I'm energised after a good weekend.

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