Monday, December 31, 2012

Ma'thurat 37

"O Allah! Bestow Your grace to Muhammad and to the family of the Muhammad, as You gave to (the Prophet) Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim; and bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim in all the worlds.Indeed You (Allah) are Praiseworthy, Glorious."

What a way to end a year. Instead of getting spoilt rotten in either Bali or Chiengmai, here I am still at work.Many of my friends are away (it is the revision week and it will be full swing with final exams when they return in the new year.Me and my postgrads had decentralised our exams so maybe I'd go on leave in the new year but Mama is still sick so no exotic holidays for me.KIV dulu.What to do, ayam tak masak, itik tak sudu).

I must tell you peristiwa I diperangkap monyet a few days back at the Kull carpark where the trees were.Most people were away so the car park was deserted.I came earlier than usual for some important meeting or something.I came out of my car pretty confident.Then I realised that a group of hungry monkeys were infront of me, above me (on the trees) and around me! One big and hostile monkey (rasanya jantan) with gigi tajam menyeringai at me rushed to attack me (perasaan I, he would melompat on me).Wough folks! I had never felt so terrified so I screamed sekuat-kuat hati I (am so good at this! Haha).No one came to help (org memang takda!). Then I saw a  guy.Eye contact is good at times like this.I saw him.He saw me.So I screamed louder, Help! Help! He came closer and shoo-ed shoo-ed those bloody monkeys.I masih terpaku kat situ.The guy said, it's OK, walk on.Barulah I berani and walked quicker to a safer space (next to this guy..may Allah bless him).

I asked who he was (my knight in shining armour). He said his name was Ibrahim.A postgraduate from Algeria.Aptly named! Ibrahim.Kita selalu baca selawat ke atas Rasulullah and Nabi Ibrahim.Now you know why.Even the namesake is so blessed!

So tadi I bumped into a group of cleaners who always clean daun2 gugur at the car park.I asked them mana monkeys pagi ni (kah3).I told them what happened to me.One of them laughed and it was you who screamed so loud? (bagus punya cleaner!) I said yes..kenapa kamu tak tolong kalau kamu dengar dan ada di situ? (I laughed with her). She said itu hari pun she kena kejar.I said lain kali kalau dengar org minta tolong, cari kayu and halau the monkeys.Ya right! :))

Of cos' I had reported the incident ke pihak berwajib.Mungkin monkeys tu semua dah kena bius.Or ditangkap letak kat zoo.I wish.

My new year wish: come prepared with pepper spray for all the monkeys in the world.
Happy new year, folks!


ubuntu_linux said...

prof, terguling2 saya baca post ni :)

Faridah said...

Ubuntu: well, it looks funny now.In fact, cleaner tu kata she was based at Celpad when she heard me scream.Wakaka.Itu belum dengar cerita ular hijau masuk kat ofis alumni when I was the Director lagi.Ular kat dalam cubicle my staff.I belum masuk ofis lagi dah menjerit2 lebih dari empunya cubicle.Kampus kita tu mcm zoo betul. :)

Mawar said...

Kak F
Bila baca entri Kak F, memang mahu cakap: kampus kita macam zoooo. Di sini apa kurangnya. Monyet, kucing, anjing, ular, biawak...
Allah! Kalau Kak F rektor @ nc, apa tindakan Kak F?

Faridah said...

Mawar:Satu soalan cepumas.Kalau saya jadi VC, keselamatan staff saya di carta teratas.Haha.Saya akan kasi grant penyelidikan kenapa monyet2 lebih suka berada di kampus dari mahaiswa(pagi2 dah sampai) Andaikata makanan jadi punca utama, then we should give free breakfast kpd students sebelum masuk kelas. :D