Friday, December 28, 2012

Ma'thurat 36

"I seek forgiveness of Allah, there is no God but He, the Ever-living, the Ever-subsisting, and I seek repentance from Him."

Let's worry if Allah has cabut rasa malu dalam diri/sesama manusia bila kita buat dosa or maksiat.Let's hope with the new year (although a Gregorian one), we'd do another hijrah to be better servants of Allah and not slaves to our nafs (kata Rumi ..tame that nafs and let it not ride you).

It has been an exciting week..penuh drama yang mendebarkan.The kinda time when you know who your real friends are (and I found 2 new ones and feel blessed to meet them).Nama dia Prof. Is and the other Dr. Shaff (not full names to protect them.Ahaks).We will doa that our last shot to save the needy is heard and may Allah protect the affected ones.

I spoke to another expert on the way home from work tadi. Looks like Kuantan is in good hands.A lot we can learn from them, actually but then again, we have different concerns and needs.We'll see what will happen in the new year.

I hope it is not too early to say Selamat Tahun Baru, semoga bertambah rahmah di tahun akan datang.
Semoga kerja-kerja kita yang menimbun akan selesai semuanya dan memberi manfaat kpd ramai orang.

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