Saturday, September 13, 2014

Going with the flow

I thought I'd just take an mc and rest on Friday cos' I was still coughing badly.But Fri is my prison day so I just braved up.Kali ni we had asked to start early 9 am...lagilah early kena bangun to catch our driver who will arrive at 7 am.

We made it in good time and I asked Dr. CN to conduct her session first so I could rest in a corner for an hour or so.Betul-betul tak larat.Batuk mcm dada pun nak tercabut!The cough mixture didn't help much. The kids were talking on topics given by Dr. CN..on bersyukur, sabar etc.Sebenarnya we learn a lot more from them about life.One student said she belajar arti sabar semasa dlm penjara..dulu sebelum masuk, dia manusia yang paling tak sabar...semua nak segera (I thought how like me!)but in penjara, she learnt.Her coping mechanism is with her psyching up herself..she'd tell herself sabar...kali ni sahaja...although setiap kali berlaku, she will say that sampai she latih diri dia jadi sabar.I thought, wow!

Student yang seorang lagi bercakap tentang bersyukur.She said she bersyukur she masuk penjara which she found more tenang than hidup di luar sana..di sini dia belajar ngaji, solat, macam2 skills dan ilmu.Allah masih sayangkan mereka, she said.Yup, they are a bunch of intelligent lot.I begitu tersentuh.

Just as we were leaving, a student came and asked me what inspired me to do this prog with them because UIA tak pernah buat prog with them except once a long time ago on undang-undang and she enjoyed that a lot.Sebenarnya ada but not with penjara wanita I think.Dr Hariyati dulu pernah buat prog dadah tak silap.Anyway, I didn't know how to answer the lady.I told her ini semua plan Allah because I actually planned to work with a group of youths from keluarga miskin and develop progs and activities to prepare them for the workforce etc.That was how I met Dr. Kham.Then divine intervention and we ended up doing this prog.Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui.Allah tidak pernah lupa akan hamba-hambanya di mana juga mereka berada.I told my students you hv lots of raw materials to use in your writings.Get them out cos' the world needs to learn from you.

Kita doakan objektif prog ini akan tercapai and everyone will learn something to be a better person


ubuntu_linux said...

Wow..mesti best writings depa semua :) Semoga Allah menyembuhkan sakit batuk Prof dan diberi kesihatan yang baik.

Faridah said...

Ubuntu:thanks -my hope too but in such constraints of time and space,it's difficult to keep on practising their writing skills and my team and I have 4 months to do this.

Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...

Amin. Get well soon. Amin.