Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Raising a daughter

It's a catch 22 thingy especially if you only have one child. Z is a wonderful child but her years living away from us has made her too independent in her thinking.And yet she is a child in many ways.It's difficult to pass on the values we subscribe to.Hari ni punya drama was me trying to teach her that to get what you want,you have to work for it.Usually, she knows this tapi hari ni I thought she had it too easy.I basuh.She cried.Maybe I am too harsh.But this is it: when do you differentiate between being firm and harsh.I almost succumbed to guilt and sympathy.But I thought when would she ever learn?

Susah woh.Moms of my mother's generation would never compromise.I wonder where they got such staunchness, such firmness that sometimes made them seem like monsters.WW2! They lived tough.They simply had to be practical to survive.Ini kena marah sikit, dah menangis.

Let's hope Z does not turn around and say to me in my old age :you want something, you work hard for it.


Mawar said...

Kak F
saya anak tunggal dan mempunyai anak tunggal. Faham. Anak kena belajar.

Faridah said...

Mawar: wow, pastinya sukar! Adakalanya saya rasa seperti bersikap tidak adil.Sebaiknya menegor dengan berhemah.Hadis Nabi: jika enggan Allah murka dgn kita di akhirat, jgn suka marah orang. :(

Mawar said...

Kak F
ya, perkara adil itu selalu terngiang-ngiang. Selalu juga saya marah kepada diri sendiri kerana tidak berlaku adil padanya dan begitulah sebaliknya berlaku. sebab itu sedang belajar sabar dan syukur.