Sunday, October 19, 2008

Greetings from Beijing

halal restaurant in Beijing

magnificent view!

autumn up the Great Wall of China

We arrived yesterday but our schedule is very2 tight.I received an email from someone saying kurang tidur boleh sebabkan kematian.Tak sempat baca pun! (was watching a very interesting interview on Hardtalk on Obama.Former Adviser of National Security tu memang smart orangnya.I must google up more about him.Zbigniew Brzezinski .Very2 sensible man).

Beijing? Toilet dia kotor. We saw glimpses of what China is famous for.Great Wall..yes, we went up (without the cable wish!Hahaha).Would you believe me if I say I only get my break during trips like this? Up the mountains, I had my moments of peace and tranquility.

We went to Tiannanmen Square.The walk was lovely. Saw briefly the Olympics stadium.Makan mewah kat sini (our guide is a Muslim Prof).Whoever the Nabi sent to this race in the past had his doa answered.Negara ini banyak punca rezeki.Pokok2 buah bermacam2 dan sedap.

Work begins today.Flying off to Xian pagi2 buta lagi.

Catcha later.


jooli said...

I love Beijing (except for the toilets) & wanted to stay on there, especially to get immersed in the beautiful mandarin version (of rolled 'r'). Love the food, but got quite confused by the belly dancing at (almost) all Muslim restaurants we visited. As long as there's a Muslim restaurant, there's belly dancing. But we did the touristy thingy.

Hey, have a good time.

Faridah said...

I did! Kan? They are wonderful lot.I didn't get to see any belly dancing sebab I moved with religious people.Hahaha.Dr Musa tu makan sikit punya kawal...We dined in private rooms (in 3 different cities of 3 diff provinces).Ada masa I got to be real homesick although they treated us so well (and we loved them for this)tapi makanan dia...banyak sangat.kat Msia kita makan simple je, kan? Sepinggan nasi, lauk paling banyak pun 4-5 dishes.Ini sampai 40! I dah nak terpengsan2 cuba habiskan.