Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Raya katak

Finally I get to take my annual leave (2 hari je.Today and besok) Waaahh..sakan.

Bangun je terus pergi treadmill.Chinese guilt conscious. Lepas tu pi jumpa Dr Jee buat cholestrol test (next week baru tau). I am very determined to watch my diet. Nik's friend died just like that at 49 a few days ago.We suspect heart problem.

After that, pi checked mata (aging is bad on me at 45).Definitely going for multifocal now.Besok I jumpa eye surgeon tu to confirm.

Lepas tu singgah at my fav restaurant.I didn't submit to nasi dagang, nasi lemak, ayam goreng but went for meehoon goreng.No meat.Just taufu.Cina depan I tu satu keluarga ordered nasi dagang.Sigh.

Lepas tu pi tukar cermin my Chinese wall paintings.I decided to walk instead of driving to the doorstep.

So far so good.

Lepas tu pi spa.Ginger scrub, sauna and massage satu jam.Fulamak...hanyutttt.

Berita kurang menggembirakan: am attending a raya open house and I know there's going to be a lotttttttttt of food.Finger tapping.What do I do? Tak pergi, tak sopan.

Can I resort to mushroom soup je and June's fabulous buns? (masak sendiri, usually served hot and fresh from the oven).Sanggup I makan buah2an sahaja? Finger tapping again.

To live.Or to die.

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