Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Deepavali!

As always, our Deepavali lunch was at Datuk M's choice restaurant (tiap2 tahun berubah).Some politicians were sighted.In fact we sat with one.Arrogant macam some UMNO politican jugak! Raja Petra was right when he said nak cari politician baik samalah macam nak cari a virgin prostitute! But those who sat at the table tibai habis this new MP. They reminded him the rakyat put him there to see change. Teresa Kok pun ada.Dulu sebelum jadi MP, she went to see my husband at his office.Sekarang dah tak kenal. :))

Anyway, life goes on and the rakyat will continue to monitor gerak geri those who are chosen to make this country a better place. Bak kata Raja Petra, we do not want to wipe out BN totally.What the country needs is a strong opposition.

Happy Deepavali, all.

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