Sunday, October 26, 2008

Of Chinese foods, cultures and landscapes

Dr. Norizah in the precinct of a 14th century Xi'an mosque

fan heater
VIP Building's garden
Look at the size of the uni's library!

alumni launching dinner in Xi'an

snow-capped mountain, early autumn

a mosque in the middle of nowhere

another mosque. somewhere
(signboards were all in Chinese)

halal pigeon

pancakes came from China, not the USA/UK/Europe!

this is how you eat your Chinese popia

er...the forbidden tuna sandwich

another big lunch, overlooking the Yellow River (magnificent view)

dinner show

a bit of mayang diulek

more of it

cantik and colourful

Cerita Cina I belum selesai. :))

Too many pics to be uploaded.What you see here is all you get to view.Sorry, but gue sibuk with so many things.

Dr. Musa took us to a classical Chinese musical/dance performance (dalam alim2 dia tu, he remains a man of culture). It was a dinner show but yup, no dinner for us (under strict supervision by Dr. Musa.We had another huge halal dinner before the performance, elsewhere).It was a fantastic evening.Some pics. Also some of the meals we had throughout our stay in China (from Beijing to Xi'an to Lanzhou).Terracota pics and pics of Xi'an beautiful mosque are not with me (cos' my battery died on me in Xi'an and I suspect I left my charger at Parkroyal Penang.Dr Yusuf had kindly bought me a new charger in Lanzhou).

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