Thursday, October 02, 2008

Raya pics

Day 1: raya breakfast at my mother's with the boyz

Day 1: Z with Benny at my 3rd sister's home

Day 2 at my eldest sister's (with some of the clan)
river boyz

saying the doa at my sister's grave

rumah kampong (my aunt's)

eating jambu air

Adnan melemang

Ali pun nak cuba

Swabry pun

Mahmud paling suka makan lemang

Some Raya pics.

We had a joyous one.Partly because the 4 boyz we took home balik kampong were talented lot.Ali (Central Africa) could recite the Quran, read beautiful and touching doas as well as dance African dance (while barbecuing...hahaha), Adnan (Bosnia) boleh baca Quran in such a melodious voice, Swabri (Kenya) does martial arts, Mahmud (Palestine) pandai cakap Melayu.We took them melemang, baca takbir in surau and visit ailing aunts and uncles in the kampong.

Ali kata kampong kita macam kampong dia but kampong dia masih ada singa, binatang macam kat safari tu lagi.Mak I suka dia sebab dia hormat orang tua.Yang lain2 tu pun my mak suka sebab pandai baca Quran.


Mary said...

Adnan hasn't graduated yet?

Faridah said...

This semester is his last one.Dia boleh hafal surah Quran, tau? Itu hari masuk NTV7.Dia gelamour. :)

He says nak sambung buat postgrad studies.

Mary said...

Alhamdullillah...hope u had a fabulous Raya with the boys!

Faridah said...

My husband yang lebih seronoknya (tourist guide mereka).Lepas tu my sisters, nieces and daughter pun ada juga tergedik2. Hahaha.

My mom pun! :))

syima said...

Waaah so nice lah the place..where is this Dr? When can I get a chance to raya at a kampung la..every year raya in KL aje.. tak de feel.

Hehe! hope u had a blast!

Faridah said...

panjang umur tahun depan can come with me balik raub (dgn budak2 central afrika sekali? ahem).Kg tu bukan satu tempat: 2 tempat.Satu Dong (area Dong.I think it's called Pamah Rawas -- tempat makcik melemang tu), satu lagi Kg Semantan (about 13 miles off Raub).Very da green, kan? Yang ada rusa tu rumah my 3rd sister.Itu kat Raub.My mom's and eldest sister's homes pun kat Raub.They have lotsa space for cucuk tanam sayor, bunga etc.Kat Pahang masih byk tanah.A matter of rajin atau tak sahaja utk membangunkannya.