Monday, October 13, 2008

Hall of Fame: Congrats IIUM!!!!

Wah..I just got to know! IIUM is the first university in Asia Pacific and the first organisation in Malaysia to be inducted into the Hall of Fame for our BSC achievements. Read here


Unknown said...

Kadang-kadang kagum dengan UIA, kadang-kadang getik dengan beberapa dasar (baca: politik) mengarut.

Faridah said...

Well Anuar, I have learnt something from Dato Farid in Penang over the weekend.He said let us focus on what we can do right instead of what is wrong. We have a long way to go tapi with a positive mindset (kadang2 I pun mcm mahu mengalah when the going gets tough)kita boleh! But I think fraternity/unity tu perlu.Betullah pepatah melayu ==> bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita kawin lain.Naah..bercerai kita roboh.

Yang I nak tau pasai apa kita bagi Datukship pada Sharukh Khan?

Adlan said...

Salam. Award ni untuk UIA sebagai sebuah organisasi. Jeles plak tengok USM dpt Apex la.

Semoga para pensyarah semua boleh berusaha untuk buat research yang best2!

Faridah said...

Hi myadlan,

banyak controversies surrounding APEX ni.Tapi kita gembira USM dapat.Kalu uni yang baru dapat, lagi kacau! (lagi banyak queries dan criticisms). APEX bukan ranking.APEX cuma subsidi kerajaan untuk tolong USM masuk list 100 terbaik di dunia (tapi bukan dalam listing THES sebab pihak KPT memperlekehkan ranking oleh THES, dismissing it as commercialised, boleh dibeli etc) Memang betul sebab literature review kata best undergrads bukan datang dari ivy league unis but dari uni sci and tech di Iran and India dan betapa ivy leagues yang top tu dah lama tak produce nobel laureates in the last 20 years jadi what are they ranked best for?

My take is this: your rank is in the kinda students you produce.Kalau mereka boleh bersaing di dunia global, jadi world leaders,innovators (UIA byk keluarkan Chief Judges, Presidents,Ministers dan scientists di peringkat antarabangsa esp in Africa, Middle East dan East Europe...ahem)..maka itulah rankingnya.

Saya tidak fikir kita perlu terlalu ghairah akan rankings.Yang penting kita ini mengeluarkan intellectuals BUKAN researchers (kat Msia ni..taraf researchers ni is ranked no.1.Walhal kita nak tau apa berlaku akan research findings tu..berguna utk manusia ke tidak.Atau tinggal dalam bentuk journals je)

Begitu la adanya.But I like this Hall of Fame thingy cos' it reflects our hard work and commitment to productivity and excellence.Kemasnya sesebuah organisasi tu menunjukkan arah productivity kita.

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Dr. faridah,

congrats on IIUM!

DFA said that?He better learn to walk his talk.Served under him for quite sometime until recently.
Leadership wise?I realised that I learned a lot especially in relation to leadership from what he did wrong that what he did right.

note: I am sorry Dr.Faridah for using your comment box to express my dismay about him.

Faridah said...

Well least he has proven a lot more than most of us (berapa ramai pesakit cancer has benefitted from MAKNA to date).He cannot do the work alone dan no body is perfect.Kerja volunteerism ni bukan kerja mudah and kadang2 orang lain punya silap, CEO kena blame.For me, ikut nasihat bukan ikut orangnya.

Do you want to meet up with me on humanitarian projects? My office would like to go on a bigger scale on this (melibatkan IIUM alumni/students).Thanks.

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Yes, I should agree with you ..mana yang baik kita ambil..yang tak baik buang jauh-jauh dalam Sg Dong tu..hehehehe.

Cuma rasa terkilan sangat sebab - masa kerja dengan dia - there's so much more we can do to help the poor cancer patients - yet we don't go all out beyond our limits and do it.

Bukan tak boleh buat - tapi bila kena keliling dengan people with small mindsets in a nice comfort zone..tu yang payah nak ubah.All of these pun exist in any organisation right?

In a way, kesian jugak dengan dia.what to do.

Yes, sure.Be happy to see you on the humanitarian project collaboration with IIUM. Bercerita bagai dalam blog..jumpa pun tak pernah, hehe.

Anyhow, Give me sometime until end of this month before For now -agak sibuk until end of this month.Kami dok continue food aid began last Ramadhan until Aidilfitri ni - tak habis-habis lagi.

Kalau nak tengok gambar our Ramadhan aid distribution worldwide boleh visit our Italy's partner office :

Kalau nak tengok Malaysia click pada "Malesia" section.And you can also download our Ramadhan bulletin from our website:

Faridah said...

drbubbles...ok set.I pun will be in and out the country till Nov. 8.We should meet after that.Just beep me when.Boleh belanja lunch sekali.I ni macam2 nak buat tapi masa ada 24 jam je.Kalau badan tu muda..boleh la paddle buat kerja lebih sikit, dah nak kena masuk spa nak re-charge...

itu orang kata, nak buat amal biar masa muda (esp. kerja haji).Have you done yours? Go young.Byk nak pakai kederat.I went some years ago.Itu pun macam very physical.Kita kan tak suka jalan2 kaki/panjat2 gunung (nak cari batu untuk melontar).For me it was an effort but I was happy I did it then.Berbaloi.

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Haji?Niat tu dah membuak-muak kebelakangan ini.Financial sahaja belum sedia.Dah start mengumpul.

Jealous sebenarnya dengar orang yang dah pergi ke tanah suci bercerita pengalaman depa.


Oh..we try to meet after 8th nov even though by then saya dah start busy promoting Islamic Relief's Qurbani program in 26 countries.
Baru aje dapat cost list of each countries dari HQ.Terkejut jugak tengok 1 bhg untuk qurban di Lebanon cecah RM1325. Di Palestine just RM450.Malaysia kita maintain RM350 as per last year.

Faridah said...

dr bubbles, kalau nak bagi announcement korban raya haji, pass on to me.I can circulate to my network.Kat China katanya depa makan daging setahun sekali (raya korban yang org sedekah from outside China)Kita ni berlebih2 daging korbannya.Should give to those yang jarang makan, yah? Kat IIUM ni, biasa people give to Kemboja atau Acheh but every year we buat korban utk penduduk tempatan sekitar Gombak also.I biasa buat kat Raub (atau kampong yang berdekatan) but this year rasa nak bagi kat China la.Orang Muslim kat situ lagi ramai dari kita kat Msia ni.Pulak tu miskin2 (according to a rep from Malaysian Chinese Muslim Assoc) You takda branch kat sana?

syima said...

Salaam Dr,

After 3 years fighting cancer, my father sudah pulang ke sisi ilahi. Pohon doa semua agar doakan rohnya, moga Allah cucuri rahmat ke atasnya.

Thank you because u used to give me encouragement when he was sick.

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Dr Faridah,

kita tiap-tiap tahun buat qurban di China.Nanti saya emailkan info.
Kita memang ada office di sana.Islamic Relief China dah beroperasi di sana since 2002 after flood in Shaanxi.Depa baru aje completed Ramadhan distribution di Gansu province (province kena earthquake tu).

Apart from seasonal program like Ramadhan and Qurbani,IR China also helped the poor community in remote region with irrigation system (pam air dari sungai simpan kat reservoir atas gunung and salirkan to barren land on the other side of the mountain to make it fertile for agricultural activities). Depa buat jugak concrete water cellars depan rumah penduduk so that they can collect fresh water. Maklum sahaja lah paip air mana ada kat atas gunung sana..

And they built a school for girls in the region too pasal kesian tengok those girls berjalan kaki berbatu-batu pasal nak cari ilmu.

Saya seronok tengok gambar-gambar projek IR China and dengar cerita dari our UK Director who went there last year to see the progress.Ingat nak pi sana jugak one day.

Faridah said...

Dear Shima,

I am so sorry to hear of the demise of your father.Penderitaan dunianya sudah selesai.Semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat.Al fatihah.

Hubungan kita tidak putus dengan yang telah pergi melalui doa so don't despair.Jadilah anak yang soleh who he would be so proud of.


Faridah said...

dr bubbles, this is indeed wonderful news! Please get in touch soonest on this.I think our connection telah diatur Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. :)) (you found me or I found you first? I pun dah lupa how we met here)ahhh yes...the rawa connection.Our moyang would be so proud of us.Hahaha.