Monday, January 19, 2015

All set to go

Our toughest men and women are all set to go to Gua Musang/Kuala Krai/KB this week.Been up early to help pack the stuffs. Semoga selamat perjalanannya. I could have gone but my cough is still bad (it came back).In sya Allah the next trip.Yang tu ramai kena pergi cos' we would have identified which kampong to go by the time the rackey team retuns back to KL.

Dos and don'ts on the ground (based on research findings
working with relief aid agencies).Among other things: do not exaggerate your news which will cause further alarm,
do not talk to the media if you do not have the official data/sources
ASA meeting: members are from different kulliyyah
(the only way for us to really know each other in this huge university)
Ramai anak-anak muda and lelaki-lelaki Melayu terakhir
(according to Dr Syed)
100 packs for Back to School rackey trip
Prof Alias and Mdm Putri) bergaya for the record

Masuk pulak Dr Sherly

Dr Irwan was earlier than me (and I went by
Japanese time - always half an hour early)
Seronok kerja tolong orang ni, tau? (walhal most of us are still in the middle of
marking exam  scripts)
The second trip will be tougher.
New bag, new stationeries
The ladies did it all in 20 mins
before we did another round of packing family packages
(pic not included)


Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...

Get well soon, Maam.

Faridah said...

Dr. Bubbles: Terima kasih.Dok mkn macam2 nak sihat cepat ni.Ubat buat sendiri pun ada. :D