Saturday, January 24, 2015

The new maid

Syukur alhamdulillah she's here.From Sukabumi.Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kami.The last few days agak hectic cos' I have to make sure there's good dinner on the table, the fish are all well-fed, house in order, pinggan mangkuk siap berbasuh and disimpan di tempatnya.

Sebenarnya we can do without maid if I don't have to worry about dirty clothes and rumah kena mop and vacuum.That I don't have time for.So now that a maid is here to assist me with benda2 gini, I can focus on other things.Thank you guys for your doa.In sya Allah things are back to my usual routine now.

Semalam I brought back Kak Id..IIUM cleaner who's close to me.Every time I'm in between maids, she will come to help me.She's already 70 tapi masih kuat.We have this semi mother-daughter ties.I know she came cos' she took pity on me.Semlm dia tolong cuci my kolam ikan (I think I terlebih kasi makan so the air berbau satu macam). Kak Id cleaned the small pond and fountain and trimmed all the wild plants and rose bushes.Kemas sikit nampaknya.


Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...


Faridah said...

Dr Bubbles: Some family members yg beranak kecik were saying kat Spore, government dia gave a low rate for maid employment..tak payah nak cough up belas ribu just to engage a maid.Msia ni tak rakyat friendly and yet nak kita kerja system ilek.They should offer a real service 7am - 7 pm..bagi epf siap2 and maids professionally trained, kan? Maids dont need to stay at home pun if kids and house chores are taken care of while we work.Sapa nak lived in maid, byr lebih.Maybe should write up a proposal like this for kem wanita yg entah apa kerjanya itu.