I know as Muslims, we are asked to self-reflect ourselves so that we'll improve but I think Muslims specially the Malay Muslims overdo their self-criticism.Tiada bangsa yang lebih kritikal tentang kelemahan diri mereka kecuali bangsa Melayu.Tak percaya? Baca fb status kawan-kawan Melayu esp time2 banjir ni.Baca juga status fb kawan2 bukan Melayu anda..tak pernah mereka nak lihat or akui kelemahan mereka but mrk lebih suka kutuk kelemahan orang lain.
Does it make one justier than the others if one dares to condemn one's own race or ethnic group? Does it make the "critical" person more intelligent and bold than those who defend their rights to believe what they do? Is being musahabah virtuous or are we being plain stupid condemning things when what is needed is not condemnation but guidance and gentle prodding?
I do the correction on the spot.Like today..I was queueing behind this lady who was in the midst of paying her groceries, hence she was blocking my way.Tiba2 datang this English speaking makcik (about my age) dok excuse me Puan, excuse me Puan...boleh saya lalu...saya nak pi kaunter lagi satu. Cucu2 dia sekeliling in the trolley, around her..semua English speaking.I pusing belakang and said boleh tunggu tak? The lady depan saya sedang membayar and there's no way I can go past her.I looked at her direct in the eye, ready for a battle if she pushed it.Nasib she didn't.Soonest the lady infront of me went, I made way for the pushy lady behind me yg tak reti giving way to others.Tak hendak pulak dia pergi ke counter lain.Gatal!
At the Pharmacy, the lady behind me was served first..walhal I had lots on me to pay up.I told off the girl: adik, boleh tak lain kali kalau ada customer di hadapan, adik serve dia dulu?Can we have a system here?Yang lambat harus belajar menunggu. Yup, grouchy old woman me but if there's anything that really irks me, it's your bad bedside manner.Kadang2 budak2 ni tak perasan.So you tell them.Semua orang nak cepat, kan?
I buat swiss roll cocktail pudding today.In between marking exam scripts.We are redoing some furniture.Katil kawin yg berusia hampir 28 tahun tu akan ditukar.My sister in law gelakkan Nik and I..katil tu mak I yang belikan...dan masih elok lagi so buat apa membazir, kan? But sejak dua menjak ni rasa mcm it can break any time.Both Nik and I have put on so much weight so it's time to ganti besi or kayu balak yang lebih tahan lama.:D
Grouchy old woman. That can be a great new character in my DR Bubbles's series.
Dr. Bubbles: discount 20 per cent. :)
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