Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bibik Contoh dah lari

Well, I had a fallout with her.Strange things had happened in my household sejak semenjak dua menjak ni.Tambahan pula ada element hantu yang Bibik dok sua kat I almost every day.

When I got the viral fever baru-baru ni..after dah berkebah demamnya, I was not able to sleep for two days in a row.It was really weird.So we went to see an ustaz.He said gotlah but not as bad as before.Then I could sleep.Besoknya when I terbangun, minyak urut I terjatuh (this minyak yang I selalu minta Bibik massage when I rasa penat2..baunya harum..bought it from the penjara's spa).I noticed mcm minyak tu tercair terlebih as though ditambah air and ia menjadi semakin banyak (walhal Bibik pun admitted dah tinggal separuh sebelum ni).I pun interrogated one else in the house..did she bring anyone in masuk my bedroom yada yada,

She said takda.Then I set my house rule: no one to enter even her if I'm not in.

She took offense and accused me of not trusting her anymore.I said I gotta protect myself..I don't know what is happening in this house any more.

Dia terus turun bawah packed her stuffs and rang the agent to pick her up.I told her to wait till we all balik mlm nanti cos' I didn't want her to tinggal the kunci in my mailbox.Kat office around 3 pm, she text-ed kata she left the keys at my bro's in law place.

Well, we won't stop her.Dah tak tahan sangat la tu gamaknya (walhal we were also sending her home in 2 months..dah planned nak kasi bonus 2-3 bulan with gifts).

Nik and I survived this morning.It's manageable cuma we have no time to mop the floor, cuci kain, do the garden.I worry over my fish.Casualtiesnya mereka.Nik is getting me a new maid.Meanwhile I had scouted for day maid and a weekend gardener.

You should have seen how arrogant my Bibik Contoh has become at point of departing.We had guessed it was coming.Dah dekat 30 maids we had membesarkan Z.No matter how good, sincere-looking they are, we must remember the money factor.No one works for sympathy in this world.

We are still sending her her 2-month bonuses cos' while she served us, she was a real big help esp when my mom was still alive.I am also not easy to live with so anggaplah I pun bersalah juga. :)


Mawar said...

Kak F
tak sangka begini akhirnya kisah Bibik Contoh yang sebelum ini sangatlah intim dengan tuannya....

Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...

Alahai, hope everything will go back to normal soon.

Faridah said...

Mawar: mmg semua yg mengenali kami terkejut tetapi begitulah hati manusia.Besok in sya Allah Allah beri pengantinya.

Faridah said...

Dr. Bubbles: Harap2 begitu. We just psyche up ourselves.If things do not work out, don't push your luck.