Sunday, January 13, 2013

2013 weddings

(Suhaimi, me and Mazlan went to the same primary sch!)
Pengantin-pengantin tua :)
 Anak menantu Suhaimi

 The wedding at Jln Duta

 Dhoha Zein and her husband

 These cuties were caught doing this!

Family members of a Yemeni Minister.
Emily (UK), sitting right, just got married in Egypt recently.
Maha & Amal were two friendly beauties at the wedding.

...yup, weddings are not over yet.Was busy attending two weddings in ONE evening.

One was in primary school mate's son got married.Yup, kawan sekolah rendah.Nak ketawa, ketawalah.But it's such a good idea to hold it in the evening.Sgt2 nyaman and cool.Suhaimi looks like Pak Samad Said now.If Mazlan was not thr, I would not have recognised him.Nice wedding cos' for once, lauk pauknya bkn the usual ones..ohh..don't give me dalca, rendang, ayam goreng anymore.They didn't.In fact they served lauk2 kg...gulai nangka, ikan kecil goreng,ulam jantung pisang rebus and sambal belacan..ok..ayam goreng berempah and I tak ingat apa lagi but hey, it felt like mkn kat rumah.Ahaks.So tanpa segan silu, I tambah lagi.:)

Then rushed back to Jln Duta to attend my good friend's daughter's wedding.We were late but in time to catch the highlights of the wedding..the funny speeches by groom and his American friend.But too bad, I could not stay back for the performance (dance and poetry reading).Niklah..nak balik cepat sgt (sbb only women were allowed to watch.Wish I had brought my car.Boleh balik after the show).

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