Friday, January 04, 2013

Ma'thurat 40

"Glory be to You O Allah and all praise is due to You. I testify that there is no God but You; I seek forgiveness from You and I seek repentance from You"

This you'll need to recite 3x.Ma'thurat no. 39 you need to say 10x.

Some of us dipilih Allah utk menjaga ibu atau bapa lebih dari adik beradik lain.Pernah one ustaz said orang2 sebegini cuma ada dua pilihan: sama ada sah masuk syurga atau sah masuk neraka. Ahaks.He knows it ain't easy.Some friends who were in this position shared with me some of the difficulties they encountered caring for aged and ailing parent/s.Here's sharing dan semoga kita semua diberi hidayah dan kesabaran to observe what is expected of us:

Friend 1

Her father would not want anyone else because he was comfortable staying with her. She never married. She bent her back for him (most chosen ones would ~ Allah dah tau) but there would be times, when you are tired that you'd do something which you'd regret especially when the parent dies soon after your ill-treatment.

In this case, bapak my friend ni suka makan songel (ke hapa ke..the one you put in your mouth and it's addictive, right?). I think satu hari, the father nak songel but the anak was too busy to meet with his demand at the speed he wanted.I ingat tak ingat apa dia buat to the dad.In my memory, the daughter either marah the dad or goncang2 his bahu in her rage.

Of cos' they made up after that but in missing the aruah, only this scene would re-emerge.Kesian, kan?

Friend 2

Not really a friend.A relative, actually.He took care of his sick dad.Ini mmg cerita teladan.But my relative ni tak pernah berkedut mukanya menjaga ayahnya.So when he died, it was him who was honoured to do everything...dari mandi jenazah to imamkan jenazah to gali kubur.I wasn't there to witness but my sister told me.Memang dia belajar agama pun.One rare example of orang with that background who would show good example for others to live.Touching, kan? I wish he was my brother in law. :)

Sal and I would giggle2 about our (mine!) temperamental manner caring for our mom.But Sal is more sabar than me.Sungguh2 incredible!

And now I can discuss things with Nik too as he pun baru join this special group. :) But I think even Nik is more sabar than me in caring for his mom (well...with some encouragement from his wife..having a longer experience than him).

Remember this: the kids are watching (and I know Z stalks my blog!)
Z: Ibu nice to Wan. Both Wans, OK? :))


orangkampung said...

Hai! Nampaknye blog ni kena kacau lagi, ish ish ish.....

Faridah said...

I know..formatnya lari..haramjad mana? :))