Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ma'thurat 43

"O Allah! We beseech You to grant us a tongue made pliant by constant remembrance of You, a heart that is filled with gratitude towards You and a body that is full of humility and suppleness in obeying You O Allah, we beseech You to grant us perfect faith and suppleness in obeying You O Allah, we beseech You a heart that is humble, and we beseech from You knowledge that is beneficient, and we beseech from You true and firm conviction, we beseech from You firm obedience that is straight, and we beseech from You the deliverance from every kind of trial, and we beseech You to grant us complete independence from people.Bestow upon us the reality of faith in You, to the extent that shall make us fear, wish or worship non other than You.Bestow upon us, our wives, our children and who are with us Your Mercy with generosity and do not let us alone (even) for a moment nor less than that, O You who are the best to reply."

What a beautiful doa to start a day!
And I had a good start to the day..was with the OIC people on an Islamic Economics conference (well..I went for the opening ceremony but the Econs people were so nice that they put me on the VIP seat.Dah la orang ingat I ni CEO or DG of an org ke hapa ke (ter- narcississtic again).Ahaks.I had a couple of guys coming to me, asking which org I was from.An Egyptian Economist and an Econ Prof from the UK.Nice networking - I pun mula bercakap mcm Jomo.:D But I particularly enjoyed the keynote on how OIC was doing/not doing economically  speaking)

Well folks, it ain't rosy (and kita dok ingat OIC ni kaya sangat). Although my Economist friends kata they knew but for me, having the data thrown at my face like that was a real shocker.Dalam segala hal, our percentage below performance in comparison to developed and developing countries.The questions from the floor were apt.Where do we go from here..how can we work together..yang kaya tolong yang miskin.Yang terlebih qualified people datang tolong yang perlukan expertise.Jgn dok fikir duit je, dong.Where is the togetherness, the ummah.Kalau nak kekal dipandang sampah, work-lah in isolation..lepas tu tunjuk kat dunia, negara kita ni kaya sgt, menara menjunjung langit, jiran seberang sempadan mati tak makan.

You'd be surprised, folks, nama Indonesia naik byk kali in terbaik, terderas. :) Nampaknya decision mereka meminjam dari IMF berhasil. Kalau kita ikut advice Anwar Ibrahim dulu, tak mcm ni susah hidup kita (you bukan setakat pinjam, babe..depa monitor serbi serba so that you boleh bayar balik dgn baik.tak begitu, Aslam?). Ahaks.Bak kata another friend, Msia ni tak habeh2 in the middle..neither here nor there.But we do well as exporter of high tech products (tertinggi di carta).Itupun bukan biz orang Islam, kan?

Apa-apa pun, one question was: what do we do with growth, with technology..they still don't make the masses happy/rich.Pasal impact on environment, jgn cakap lah.Tu sebab I like what Bhutan is doing..instead of measuring how much a country makes, depa measure how happy their rakyats are (mengambil kira impak economy segala...what I wanted to say in my ikim interview but didn't have the space to say it).

I'm glad Z is doing Economics.I can see how she'll function with this group of people.And I can imagine her impatience in wanting to do more. InsyaAllah.

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