Thursday, July 10, 2014

Field trip

My research field trip started early yesterday (by 6 am I was already on the road). The 4 people in my team went in a car (pakai driver of one of my friends..isteri seorang MP).We were two hours early (my friend thot the meeting was at 9 am...sebenarnya 10). A blessing in disguise cos' the extra hours gave us time to perform solat2 sunat di surau organisasi yg kami ziarahi itu.

My friend ni mmg jaga solat2 dia so when she started praying dhuha...yg lain tu pun ngikut.After all we had two hours..makan tak boleh....begitulah Allah mendidik kita.Ketidak, tikar sembahyang pun tak tengok selepas Subuh! I felt so grateful I had good observant Muslims in the team (it's a two years project and we are going to work together).Lepas tu, my friend (kita panggil dia Dr. N)ajak pulak bertazkirah...she is a famous motivator..selalu keluar TV and all.Lagi sekali I felt so humbled...beginilah Allah mendidik hamba2nya...proses membersihkan hati dan jiwa is a long process...we must work for it, pray for it (but dugaan kadangkala begitu besar!)

Dr.N cerita pasal besarnya Ramadan ini.Then she spoke on kelebihan solat sunat tasbih which we must do at least once in our life time. The meeting went well.Balik uni to attend another meeting and at 4 pm baru realised I forgot to punch in ( new rule, new punch in system).

Yup,it's ridiculous to get academics to punch in! ASA is putting up a protest on this.We continue to work after 5 pm at home...wht does one do with the after hours work? Ada reward?

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