Monday, July 21, 2014

The best doa for the lailatul qadr's week

Syukur alhamdulillah I could go to the surau for the last week of Ramadan.After dropping by to collect my baju raya at the Curve (finally!) and nasi kerabu at Tmn Tun's pasar ramadan, we planned on how to 'hunt' for malam seribu bulan lailatul qadr.

Tonight's ustaz was an academic from UM.He spoke Kelantanese.Teringat kat Tok Ayah cos' he spoke sebijik like him.His talk was on how not to be ahli neraka.He said there were two types of people who would be hell dwellers and heaven dwellers:


        1. He or she who has good amalan syurga at tne beginning but ends with amalan neraka as he/she dies or at the point of dying.

         2. All his/her life buat amalan ahli neraka and dies as one.

Likewise syurga dwellers: bad first, good at the end or all good all through his/her life till she/he dies.

He said in looking for lailatul qadr, jgn doa nak itu ini sangat.Keep it short, simple but precise as according to the hadith: say it three times and hell will plead with Allah to have our names deleted from being listed as hell dwellers: Kau yang Maha Pengampun, Kau ampunkanlah dosa ku dan hindarkan aku dari api neraka (3x).

Also to be ahli syurga, we must be kind to everyone.The prophet said whoever who did kindness to others, he himself would guide us (pimpin tangan kita) masuk syurga.Wahhhh....sapa yang tak mau!

He said those who like to share whatever bermanfaat with others would be favoured by Allah also as ahli syurga.E.g. you have RM10k, you'd give some to others in need (tempiaskan sedikit rezeki Allah beri kpd kita tu).I think this would also mean sebarang ilmu yang bermanfaat yah?Jgn beri utk beriak-riak.

Also the most practical doa is this: Ya Allah aku pohon apa yang Rasulullah pohon kpd Mu dan aku minta lindungi apa yg Rasulullah pohon Engkau lindungi buatnya Ya Allah.

He has other reminders on his fb.Look up Dr. Ahmad Faisal or just Ahmad Faisal.I belum tengok but that's his name.

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