Friday, July 25, 2014

Z's theory

Z has a little theory over what is happening around the world: missing planes, crashed planes, shot planes, Netanyahu's madness in Gaza, US's wargames with India, Japan etc in preparation of China's "aggression" in the South China Sea hatok dia orang..Kata Z, the setting for WW3 is set...the war initiator (USA-Israel la kot?) nak buatkan orang takut  supaya don't leave home..just stay home so that war migrants will not flood the western countries.Z ni kadang2 byk lagi pemikiran budak2nya (despite being thought of as a Consultant twice at her current workplace.Walhal intern je..Gaya mesti lebih)

Ramai dah cutinya today but most people will head back to their kampong tomorrow morning.Nik and I will berhari raya as anak-anak yatim piatu this year.I will go back to Raub to visit the kubur, Sal will raya first day in KL sebab nak ziarah kubur Irsyad, Mek will spend her first raya with her boys and cucu in JB and will only balik Raub on the second day (masa tu I dah balik ke KL since Nik & Z tak cuti).

Terasa hambar raya kali ni but saya mengucapkan selamat hari raya kpd semua, maaf zahir batin.Travel safe dan banyakkan berzikir dan berdoa sepanjang perjalanan pulang.

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