Sunday, July 13, 2014

Prayers for Gaza

I have students living in Gaza.Apalah nasib mrk dan keluarga mrk.I dare not send them emails.Hanya doa dan harapan that Allah will protect them and mereka yang dizalimi.

Try and answer these questions:

1.How much wealth and power is enough for rulers in Saudi,Jordan and Egypt who refuse to help the Palestinians?

2. Apa yang el-Sissy dapat in refusing EU medical relief team from entering Gaza?

3.Apakah Obama ingat the world will remember him as a courageous leader by not being firm with war criminals like Netanyahu? Dia hanya seorang budak hitam yang bercita-cita besar.

4. Apa lagi yang kita tunggu? Cukup ke hanya berkongsi sentimen2 di facebook?

5. Kenapa Malaysia tidak mendesak negara2 OIC supaya mendesak sekurang2nya konco2 Netanyahu? Terasa bodoh soalan ini!

6. Mana pergi human rights activists kat Msia ni? Hanya ramai org Melayu yg bising...adakah kaum lain melihat Gaza sebagai perang agama? Muslims vs anti Muslims? Are we fighting only for our own self interest?

I dah naik muak sebenarnya.Bak kata a facebooker - why are we still protesting in 2014?

Some images of people and life in Palestine

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