Wednesday, July 09, 2014

No title

For once,I'm lost for titles for this entry.Dah penat berfikir for the day. It started off with me visiting Irshad.News had it he was getting worse..Sal went sleepless for the last couple of days cos' Irshad had trouble breathing.Kak Ngah took him to her friend's clinic and found out his lungs dah berair.I dropped by and I thought he looked much better than before he took the supplement I gave him.Ummi rang up and we decided that we must persuade Sal to get Irshad to go to the hospital.It's not easy to convince someone who has given up hope on living but family support is so, so important.Ummi arranged things on her side and by the time nak iftar, I heard Irshad was warded and depa drained his lungs.Sal sent his pic and he looked much better, alhamdulillah.We pray for Allah's mercy that Irshad could be on his feet again.The family vowed to do solat hajat lepas Maghrib di rumah masing2.

I had iftar at the uni but sempat menunaikan janji.Lepas makan, cepat2 balik mengejar teraweh di surau.And the tazkirah that followed was inspiring.The former UiTM lecturer is Indonesian.He spoke on Ramadan's KPI : buat 5 solat wajib and 2 sunat secara berjemaah...byk pahalanya.Solat sunat yang lain2 pun kalu dibuat perfectlah kpi ramadan kita.On solat dhuha..jika dibuat 3 salam segala keperluan harian kita Allah guaranteed for the day.Satu salam dhuha..kita tak jadi pelupa, dua salam tak nyanyuk..3 salam..all wishes for the day granted dan kita temui ketenangan.

More later.

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