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Equally pleasurable was meeting Ilham, South African-Australian Muslim whose hubby is the culture attache at Oz High Comm (he said the azan for berbuka).And meeting the wife of the High Commissioner is even more humbling.The couple had just renovated their home: buat musolla wanita siap dgn tempat wudhu'.SubhanaAllah! I usik Leanne, wife to the High Commissioner: ni mesti pengaruh you fighting for a space for the women.Dia gelak manis.
Then dia ckp dia teringin sgt nak tengok kami solat.Ilham kata since I tak puasa, sila layan and explain psl solat to her.Leanne was so cautious nak join..byk kali she asked me takpa ke sbb dia tak tutup aurat (dia pakai skirt).I said takpa, kita duduk diam2 kat belakang jemaah..lagipun ni rumah you,I reminded her.Sekali lagi dia ketawa baik. So I became the juru ulas as my sisters solat (berbisik2 kat belakang).I terangkan maksud fatihah and al ikhlas.Ayat lagi satu tak habeh tafsir nak cerita.Lepas tu dia ckp mmg dia curious.So I explained a bit more.I rasa kecil sgt duduk sebelah dia...begitu jujur dia nak belajar.Dia tanya kita solat 5 waktu ni masa ramadan je ke.I said tiap2 hari but we do more in Ramadan.6 kali? Tanya dia..dak..5 campur 8 and I explained teraweh.Then she said stg yg I tak pernah terpikir pun.She said if you do more and repeatedly, the focus will be more.MasyaAllah..kita sangat perlu mata ketiga begini utk memahami ibadah kita.
Anyway, I was sitting with a bunch of interesting people.Gamaknya yg paling kuat gelak meja kami.Nani's husband (he's very mixed...Syrian plus Turkish plus French plus American) yg sgt at home with Middle Eastern meal tu went to collect his desserts sambil bertanya: where's the shisha.:)) Dia pandai mcm Nani juga.Suka nengok couple ni.Dia masih bertudung lawa biarpun dah lama graduated from IIUM and Harvard.
Then Ariff (also very mixed-melayu campur cina campur english) buka cerita Bukit Chandan and perihal how it was common in the old days for Chinese babies born out of wedlock to be given away to Malay families for adoption...istana babies.Mmg ada tukang take care of these babies.I was like oh wow!
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