Thursday, June 19, 2014


If you have a limited time to tour Norway, Drobak is the closest you could get to experience the Norwegian natural beauty and fresh air.It is only an hour bus ride from Oslo.You could then get on a ferry for 10 mins to another island off Drobak called Oscarsborg.Both places cantik gila!

This is my dream holiday...yang waktu menunggu kita and not the other way round.I got to lie down on a long bench next to the water (harbour ke fjord ke apa ke but water it was)...the blue sky and patches of white clouds above me with cool breeze.Heavenly! Lepas ni balik kerja menimbun pun tak apa. :)

We had lunch by the waterfront too and later just enjoyed watching people on their yachts and some kayakking away.This is a place to retire if it's summer for 12 months.


Mawar said...

Kak F
gambar-gambar yang cantik!

Faridah said...

Mawar: Yang Indah itu dari Dia.Ciptaan mana yang lebih berseni dan artistik dari Nya,ya.