Thursday, June 05, 2014

Tetamu-tetamu minggu ini

 from my block.Cantik pulak gambar banjir Sg Pusu di UIA

Kata Prof Ismawi from Kull of Architecture , ini bukan banjir biasa.
He should know.He was in charge of dev of IIUM for many years

 Sah peringatan dari Allah.Pulak tu banjir besar kat KAED area ni

ini betul-betul menangguk di air yang keroh, mencari pendrive
atau seluar-seluar kecil yang terapung?

 Yul and her colleagues and Dr Harris

memang cantik campus UIA nih

...ada yang caused a great flood.

Yul came with three of her colleagues from Jakarta to seal a deal with CENTRIS and Psy.I took them out to lunch at Bookers (mana lagi yang sempatnya).Quite a nice day today after the big flood semalam lepas Tun Mahathir datang and bicara tentang peralatan perang, hudud dan aurat wanita.Bukan main lagi dia on his pet topics.2 jam kemudian flood.Hebohlah dunia maya.Hari ni masuk papers.Lantak.

Am trying to finish up a couple of theses before I leave for my summer vacation.Dah takda nafsu nak ke mana-mana.Dulu boleh juga beli souvenirs kasi mak.My mother's day gift which I bought in Kyoto I sempat beri kat dia. Si Ju (her maid) bawak lari pulak masa nunggu mak at the hospital (along with Z's sleeping bag and other things) Apa punya tur da.

Alumni from overseas will be arriving this week for the Homecoming event.Yusuf from China rang me up.He'll be arriving on June 9.InsyaAllah we'll meet up.Masa I pi China dulu dia baik bawak kita orang pi sana sini.Orang berbudi, kita berbahasa la kan?

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