Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangka

Rasa nak meletup jantung sebab excited sangat nih.But first, syukur alhamdulillah kerana pertemuan-pertemuan menuju ke arah kebaikan.Semoga ini jalan yang lurus.Jalan ke syurga.

Our clients since yesterday had been talking stuffs CERDAS was made for.We had 3 consultants yesterday and another one today.Wough...and Dr. Azman, En. Z (a businessman and social activist) and I will be meeting Haji Ali of my surau to work on a framework..OMG! OMG! rasa nak melompat2 at the prospect of making the project a success.Can't say what it is but once it's launched, kita boleh cerita lagi but at the mo, am just sharing with you the joy of working with knowledgeable people, Islamically committed and having the means and track record of making it happen.Subhanallah, the price of patience!

Dato Hamidon also dropped by with a couple of proposals which my Dean will have to consider.If it happens, we'd get to do what we want to do without going through redtapes.I need to work with people who speak my language. :)

Meanwhile waiting for a meeting with Dominic on empowering women and unemployed youth.Masa terasa mcm terlalu perlahan..(rupa2nya jam tangan I mati baterinya)

Before I go to my next meeting, here's from Ustaz Rizal (our regular reader) who is getting married on Sept 16:Selamat Pengantin Baru, Rizal.Semoga jodoh ini kekal dan dirahmati Allah sehingga ke akhir hayat.

Pesan Rizal pagi tadi dlm teks tazkirah dia:
Sesungguhnya amalan yang baik menghapuskan kejahatan termasuk bisikan-bisikan syaitan maka jagalah solat, banyakkan sedekah, bagi yang mendidik, kata-kata nasihat kpd murid2 juga menjadi pelindung kita dari kejahatan dan menghapuskan kejahatan.

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