Thursday, August 16, 2012

The calling

I didn't plan to visit my late cikgu Quran at all but when my kid sister rang me up and said my mom said I should visit, I reconsidered but my two older sisters advised me on the phone not to go cos' thr would be bad jam in Raub as people travel to KB for raya.

But sampai je at my office, I felt the calling..a very strong urge to drive back to Raub.I rang up Nik to inform him and if he wanted to go.He had a meeting with his Tan Sri and said impossible to join me.So despite feeling tht it would be a dangerous drive ( in fact I felt I would be involved in a car accident), the calling was too strong.

I went prepared...said my doa perjalanan, said my syahadah, played the Quranic cd and at the toll was given a cd on zikirullah which I played along the heavy rain.

Dengan izin Allah, I selamat sampai but jenazah had gone to the kubur.I didn't want to travel any further so stayed chatting with makcik matun who was not feeling well.She's the niece of aruah.A bit like Wea Zawiyah..kept asking me the same stuffs every 5 mins.I gave her and the maid some sadaqah which brought tears to her eyes..geez..senangnya nak buat org tua menangis...

Then I went visiting my two sisters (the only ones still in Raub).Have not seen my Kak De for almost a year.So we chatted, laughed and teased each other.Then I went to my Long's.The same thing..she gave me the long overdue Rawa trip gift.

Then I left for KL.It started to rain again...
At 11km from Bentong..I saw a car fast moving into my lane..I gave it a long honk but was aware this was the calling..the accident I knew was going to happen even before I left KL....the other car was really outa control..I swerved to my left and it hit me bad on my right....I was screaming my head off...folks...I thought you would not see me here anymore..I thought my head and parts of my body would be smashed and thrown all over the road.When I felt nothing...I simply could not believe it but knew what had saved me...the sadaqah and the zikirullah still playing in my car! are just a creature of God....

I was shaking..trembling in the cold rain.Didn't know what to do...then the police car tiba2 muncul..what a blessing..that they just happened to ronda that area (apparently kawasan yg sering kemalangan).It would have been a longer wait but everything went very sisters came and my husband was already at the Bentong police station by the time they towed my car there.

My niece and hubby (both are doctors) dropped by too..they were on their way back to Raub.We hugged, so relieved I was OK. It's funny how everyone reacted to my news...My eldest sister went hysterical...she was saying..oh my god oh my sister is the nicest..dia sangat baik orangnya...and rushed to the scene, leaving my third sister who was taking her time to get ready...haha..kesian mereka...but the story did make me a little teary...I know everyone was reminded of the death of another sister..who died in a car accident in I know where the grief, panic came from...

My mom tak payah cakaplah...she was asking Sal for Nik's tel no sebab nak marah dia for allowing me to travel alone...walhal Nik pun scolded me..haha..but I had asked him earlier, right? But Nik said I called him when he was in a deep meeting..he thought I was going with my sister..

Anyway, syukur alhamdullilah I'm OK.Semoga apa2 dosa I gugur with this ujian.I redho.

So many funny things happened in the series of events that followed.I was texting and calling close friends..some calls went unanswered so whn one call came through..I gave the caller my usual which the caller jawab fluently waalaikumussalam..before going mana lu letak itu keleta? Saya tatak nampak.

It was Ah Ho, the tow truck driver! :))

While I am still shaking as I write this, I wish to remind everyone to be mindful when you are travelling this raya..jgn lupa doa perjalanan, do your zikir along the way..and yes..sadaqah before you travel.

Remember Izrail jengok kita at least 17 kali satu hari.It is so easy to die.Our job is to have some preparations.

Stay safe!


Mawar said...

Kak F
hari yang sangat mendebarkan.
alhamdulillah kakak diberi perlindungan (saya teringat puisi Rendra: seolah keadilan dan kasih-Nya harus berjalan seperti matematika...

ya, sadaqah dan zikrullah!

tenang ya Kak F!

Faridah said...

Mawar - cantiknya Rendra.Terima kasih for being here.Sesungguhnya apabila kita dikejutkan dgn pelbagai peringatan bahawa mati itu benar, hidup ini semakin bermakna.

Selamat hariraya, maaf zahir dan batin.Hugs.

syima said...

Alhamdulillah you're safe. thank you for the reminder

Faridah said...

Syima: thks.Hati-hati di jalanraya.Wish you a blessed eid.Kirim salam kat family.Hugs.

Misz Rubz said...

thank God Alhamdulillah u're safe & sound dr!mendebarkan sungguh. oh. selamat hari raya ;>

Faridah said...

Misz Rubz: Thanks, dear.Mmg traumatic.Tadi I naik taxi pi kerja.Drivernya Cina tua umur 70.Kejap dia ke tepi, kejap ke tengah..haiyooo...I dah suspeng dah.Kereta belakang dok honk2.I guess it will take some time to feel whole again on the road.

Selamat hari raya Rubz.Raya hugs.

Mawar said...

Kak F
selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin. hugs too.

Pishaposh said...

Salam Prof,

Owh... cerita yg sangat mendebarkan. Syukur anda srlamat! Reflection tentang sedekah dan zikrullah tu saya sgt suka. Boleh jd satu praktis utk saya bila memandu jauh2...

Selamat Hari Raya Prof... semoga kita srmua mendapat kemenangan sebenar di tahun ini... insyaAllah.

Faridah said...


InsyaAllah and may the momentum continue.Selamat hariraya, maaf dipinta.Raya hugs.