Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tazkirah malam ini

...was by an ustaz from Bandung.My God, he's as funny as Salleh Yaacob.Wajahnya pun mcm tu! Haha.

I arrived when they were doing their witir.Mlm ni habis cepat pulak terawehnya.Ustaz Rashid was not there to give the in between teraweh tazkirah so looks like I didn't miss much.But the forum perdana tazkirah penuh dgn gelak ketawa la pulak sampai Ustaz Bandung ni tak habis his 10 points on why doa tak makbul sebab hati dah mati.Byk sgt detour dia but mmg nak pecah perut mendengar his stories.Antaranya nak lembutkan hati anak, suami or isteri..he said tengah mrk tidur, cabut sehelai rambut, sambil genggam dlm tangan, zikir Ya Roheem till we fall asleep..then he kasi contoh isteri nak buat kat suami yg mata keranjang..suami tidur pakai songkok...buka2 nak cabut sehelai rambut, tengok2 suami dah botakkan his rambut.She tries angkat his ketiak..pun habis kena cukur.Ahaks...can only come from ustaz from Bandung, right? :))

He said hati yang mati antara sebab doa kita tak makbul.Hati mati sbb kita tak suka baca Quran daily.He said syurga merindui 4 golongan manusia: org suka baca Quran, org suka sedekah terutama suka kasi org miskin makan..I think 2 points tu lagi dia tak sempat kupas...ceramah is limited to 30 mins je...tht is why dia tak leh cerita sampai habis.

But I heard for the first time that penghuni syurga ramai wanita.We are often told penghuni neraka ramai wanita..this is true but it is also true that penghuni syurga pun ramai wanita.How come ustaz2 tak pernah beritau kita perkara ni?

Ustaz cerita how a beautiful woman aged mid 30s dtg nak minta doa temu jodoh.Ustaz kata beli jodoh dgn duit dia..niat then sedekahkan wang itu kpd anak yatim.He asked for all the money in her purse.The woman gave RM35.Three months later she rang ustaz kata belum jumpa jodoh.Ustaz kata did you give everything in your purse the other day? The woman said no (she had lied to the ustaz by saying RM35 was all she had).So the second time around, she gave all (RM35 so happened.That's like 100,000 rupiah or something).4 months later she rang to say, dia sudah ketemu jodohnya.

This is not the first time I hear this.2-3 mlm lepas pun Ustaz Rashid told quite a similar story psl kontraktor sedekah dulu to get his wish granted.Let's try it! I want a new LV! :))

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