Monday, August 06, 2012

Second-hand tazkirah

Sorry folks..I was too tired to go to the surau this evening.We had to do our raya shopping today and doing it with both Nik and Z would mean lots and lots of walking.:) But we got what we wanted.

Did my teraweh at home after my home spa with Bibik.Ah heavens!

Tonight's tazkirah is from Nik's memory (and interpretation).He said some student from Syria, home for summer, gave the talk.All this shiah-sunni divide I tak suka sgt nak bincang kat sini.Lagipun I wasn't there.Anyway, we had a little debate over one of the stories related by the ustaz during teraweh tazkirah ( we usually have two rounds of tazkirah..satu in between the 4 rakaat tazkirah..satu lagi after solat teraweh and during our moreh..tht forum perdana thingy)

Nik cerita pasal org yg kuat beribadah non stop for 60 years but satu hari terjumpa dgn satu perempuan dan berzina dgnnya. Masa nak balik ke rumah, he bumped into one fakir yg sedang lapar.He had 2 keping roti so he gave it to the fakir.Belum sempat sampai ke rumah, Allah ambik nyawanya.Dan dikatakan setelah ditimbang berat dosa pahalanya,this pakcik layak ke syurga bukan kerana amalnya yg 60 tahun itu tetapi sebab sedekah 2 keping roti itu.

Unless Sheikh Rizal can correct me (if this story comes from hadis sahih), I think the take home lesson is ikut apa Quran kata: jgn hampiri zina langsong cos' tht is dosa besar.I remember Prof Karcic,a Bosnian Prof of Law at the uni who said the same thing...the Quran said do not approach zina..the Quran does not say do not commit zina cos by then it would be too late,isn't it? My point of contention of the story above is..(unless it is a genuine hadis) how do we know the abid went to heaven and so easy too.I have heard of the story of a woman who prostituted herself cos' of poverty and fed a thirsty dog and went to heaven for such kindness but I have not heard of an adulterous abid going to heaven cos of two pieces of bread.If any of you know more of this story, please beep me here.I fear some people may take the easy way out...let's do wht is wrong and if we bersedekah, we'd still go to heaven.

Be very,very afraid cos' I think everything is by the grace of Allah.There is no guarantee if we pray for 100 years, our place is the jannah.We can only pray for that mercy and grace.

Menyesal pulak I tak pergi surau mlm ni.I would have asked questions.:))

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