Sunday, August 05, 2012

Yup, it's another wonderful evening

I made the right decision by not having my iftar outside...was invited to a family iftar in Putrajaya and another one in Bangi.

Tonight was another great evening at the surau.Tonight's ustaz was imam masjid negara..oh my god, he's so funny...I ketawa berguling2 when he related a story about how he arrived late at one mosque and prayed on saf of ultramen,batmen,supermen..and they would slide on the floor.Sounds familiar, yah? :))

Ustaz ni is also a nazir masjid satu msia and he says our surau is extraordinary and memang lain.He said he'd do a paper to suggest a similar model to be copied by others..antara perkara yg dia suka ialah membaca doa dlm bahasa arab dan melayu, menterjemahkan secara ringkas intipati bacaan2 quran yg dibaca dlm solat teraweh, forum perdana konsep kita dan majlis santai bwh khemah kita.I also notice ustaz2 sekarang muda2...that is why they adapt well to innovations..The man behind this fantastic management is Haji Ali..a engineer by training..young chap.Well..about Nik's age.Of cos' he has a strong backup by other yuppies and a strong financial backup as well by ahli2 masjid yg lain.Dulu surau ni agak boring and I thought not that friendly so I would do my teraweh at home, but this year in particular, you feel the good vibes sampai kita syg nak miss praying thr.Tahniah to the team.

Sebab I dah sleepy, secara ringkasnya, ustaz ckp the following:

1.Jgn tinggal teraweh sbb mmg ada hadis bhw Allah akan ampunkan dosa org2 yg berteraweh, bertadarus dan berqiamulail.Tak boleh buat all 3, at least one of them.

2.Org berpuasa, Allah ampunkan dosa2 dia kecuali dosa sesama manusia..tu kena usaha sendiri le.

3.Tiga perkara yang kalau kita pandang dapat pahala: quran, kaabah dan wajah ibubapa kita.

If I rajin, sambung later.zzzzzzz

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