Friday, November 23, 2012

IWFF 2013's soft launch

 The ladies who were responsible for the launch station
(habis bunga I kena gunting! Haha) Thank you Dr Riza (middle)
Zara (left) and Has (right)

 The setting before the arrival of guests (thanks Zurina and
Corp Comm team, headed by Dr Baha)

 My orang kuat Zul (who was still up at 4 am doing
final touchups with Jeff)
Thank you, Zul!

 Bunting by ZI Production (Thank you Jeff and Datuk!)

 MC (Thank you Dr. Aida)


 IIUM's Rector, President and FDAM Prez, Datuk Othman Hafsham

 The film preview

 keluar, kot?

 There will be many more late nites after this
(this was taken one senja after IWFF work)

Ta-da..orang2 di belakang soft launch kita hari ini

Syukur alhamdulillah, the long awaited, much delayed soft launch of Islamic World Film Festival 2013 (IWFF 2013) was done today dengan penuh kesederhanaan but meriah.

Some pics (more will come later) There was a press conference (yours truly pun menyelit la juga,kan? Datuk Othman Hafsham was there as well.There were other big names tapi tak hafal nama mereka semua.Reps from the embassies pun ada, media..fulamak...(must be the combination of Corp Comm and Datuk ZI's networks..Datuk ZI brought another Datuk in charge of PC and the other Datuk Zul inilah yang jadi prompter-nya..who started and ended the pc..wough..meriah, OK?)

I must thank Aji Kitul for the initial collection of films.We did use some of these movies in our 12 mins preview of some of the best films by Muslim film makers.But the whole format has taken a different shape now (we have to abandon the key concept of the initial proposal - also done by the IIUM team. The festival now has a life of its seems to go where we never foresaw it going.I guess setiap sesuatu itu ada takdirnya.We are mere players).I must thank alumnus Shamsul for his important role in connecting me with his good friend, Datuk ZI and Nik's close friend,Rohiman for his friend, Mart.I will not forget the earlier support from my FDAM friends Azrain,Syed,Jamil,Kamal and later En. Rahim.OK, ini bukan lagi Malam Anugerah yah? I should not go I wish to thank my mother, my aruah father, etc etc...Kerja byk lagi nak buat nih!

The media were wonderful at pc.Al Hijrah, Awani, Bernama, Utusan, Kuwait News, were all there.Al Jazeera will come later (dah janji)

It is really hard work from now on.We had promised many things at the pc.Time to deliver now.Please make your doa.This is just not for IIUM but for Msia, SEAsia and the ummah.May God make it easy for us.


ubuntu_linux said...

congrats prof, i saw the headlines on tv news :) all the best for more to come

Faridah said...

Ubuntu- alamak..i missed..which tv..i dok melanggut depan awani..takda rasanya..takkan keluar news hiburan dia pulak nanti? Tell me wht you saw.Headlines je ke?

Mawar said...

Kak F

Faridah said...

Mawar: hanya satu tapak kecil ketika ini..kpd satu permulaan yang besar.Agak ngeri at the moment but everyone's set to move fwd and do their best.Jika ada panggilan s.o..s dari saya, harap respond.We'd need all the help we can.I do not see this as an IIUM project alone.Thks for being here.