Sunday, November 11, 2012

Losing a sense of shame

I don't usually read Sunday printed newspapers but today, terbaca. On gigolo boys kept by older women.Yup, in KL. Haiyooo..are women too that sex starved these days? The guys (not all)...would go without saying as they keep their bohsia, bohjan etc. - in addition to GROs and bini2 org/single moms yg galak ni.Or tertipu cos' terkena ilmu hitam etc.

In case you missed the news...I find it unbelievable...iyalah..partly I think it's so stupid to do it.Mengabehkan boraih aje.Like this 53 year old woman..with good position, good husband, good kids..she kept what the reporter termed as "anak ikan" ...a term commonly used on young gay boys of older gay men and of late, young gals being sexually used by rich older men.Now the term is well extended to include crazy old women.

So where did we go wrong? (the woman who later on went from one anak ikan to another akhirnya got Aids and she lost everything..her job, her family and her anak2 ikan).

Interestingly there was also a case of a young female doctor who kept a university student.Aiyoo...doctors also? Malay, OK?

Do we blame the technology for easy access to all these? Most of them said they met online.
So are we that deprived as post modern subjects that we have to reach out to strangers for intimacies and fulfilment of sexual needs? Any psychologist will tell you it's not so much the crave for's some unresolved needs one would have as a child...

Then of cos' later it would become an addiction ( as in the case of the anak ikan..he said he was getting treatment for his sex addiction).

I find it hard to believe that the women are picking up fast the habit. Well, some women. I hope la SOME!

Off to meet my friends now.Enjoy what is left of your weekend.Say No to being an anak ikan or mummy ikan.God is watching us.

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