Friday, November 09, 2012

Ma'thurat 22

Petang pun boleh baca ma'thurat ni.Kalau pagi, sebut pagi, if petang sebut petang:

We are now in the morning (or afternoon), and so the sovereign and praise is due to Allah.There is no partner with Him and there is no deity except Him, and to Him is the resurrection (or the return)

You will need to baca 3x ayat sebelum ni and from this onwards till ma'thurat 41.

Full day today.Nak pengsan rasanya.Just finished a session with the postgrads.Prof Noraini kasi 15 mins sorang to speak on research methodology..mana aci.My slides pun dah 20. So I had to go on my rambling mode (but intelligent ramblings OK? Nak muntah, sila).Slot pulak 4 pm.But sempat I temubual a 'victim' on my way out ("How was my presentation? Did you find it useful?" Kah3.I need to know so that I can use it again next time.Budak pompuan ni dgn senyuman paling manis in the world said yes! yes! thank you so much!)

Message I simple: kau dtg nak buat postgraduate studies ni jgn kerana nama..nak title Dr, Prof kat depan tu.Jadilah macam sarjana2 Muslim zaman silam..they did research to solve problems of the community, the ummah, the world.I thought if I dropped a pin in the hall, I could hear it.Malangnya hall itu bercarpet tebal.

So I didn't hear it.
But I had a good time.Despite that time constraint.


Mawar said...

Tahniah Kak F!

Faridah said...

Mawar: :)) Jangan kasi microphone kpd pensyarah.